楼主这个问题你已经提问三次了, 我第三次请你看nwm的说明文档.
那我第三遍告诉你, nwm的制作者就是这样设计path的, 不是bug. 你爱玩不玩.
你若不服, 我把文档里面的解释给你粘在这, 你自己看:
Special Network Functionality on TLA Networks
The 5-lane Turning Lane Avenue (TLA-5) network has special pathing on it, which allows for multi-tile zone access. Traffic may cross the median and access zones 1 tile away.
4. Why is traffic zig-zagging on my TLAs and dual-tile One-Way Roads?
The TLA networks include a series of "crossover" paths that allow them to function just like roads with two-way center left turn lanes do in real-life. The game's automata engine likes to explore all available paths, and as such, it will generally route some vehicles onto the turn crossover paths. The wider One-Ways also have "crossover" paths that allows traffic to switch between the two tiles of the network, and this can occasionally cause automata to zigzag or do "donuts" in the middle of the road.
看明白了就希望你理解接受, 看不明白就请你使用翻译工具自己抠明白.
在作者没有更优化的path做出来之前, 这就不算bug, 楼主请你看明白.
事不过三, 我希望这个问题到此为止. 楼主若再以此问题在插件区发帖, 将按照恶意灌水处理.
如果你仍坚持自己的看法, 请你放弃这个mod, 把注意力集中在别的地方好吧,
或者去SC4D的Network Widening Mod (NWM) - Development and Support Thread
发帖子说明自己的想法. |