有沒有大俠比較熟悉這些的,光看名稱就能稍微解釋一下,DAT FSH Insert是幹嘛的,FSH Batch Build又是幹嘛的。
4. truNite exporter
This is a bit more complicated than previous features. But not overly so anyway!
When you choose to do truNite export you in fact are doing 2 day onlyexports with one being behind scene processed into a night view.
Here is a workflow:
- Build your model. This will be your day scene.
- When all the modeling is done create new scene and merge into it all the geometry from Day scene. This will be your night view.
- At this stage you have a choice how exactly will your nightscene look. You can use ANY kind of lighting, materials, alteredgeometry (as long as altered parts are fully inside of overall shape). IMPORTANT: You should NOT use naming conventions from old versions, e.g. NOnitelite for lights etc. Failing to do so will result in your nightview not showing in game.Since this is technically also a day scene itfalls to you to make it look like night. There are very many ways toachieve it depending on your preferences and particular rendering youuse.You can also decide would your night view have a “sun” and henceclear shadows or if you prefer it to be more natural – shadowless, oronly with very soft ambient shadows present.
You can make it into night by standard BAT procedure – tintingGlobal light, or with some other way by say altering color of yourskylight. this is far superior way as it leaves all your other lightscompletely unaffected. But this calls for some sense of color andknowledge of lights and possible gamma correction. Still with somelights (IES SKY, for instance) this is the only fully working way.
In any case it is recommended (although not mandated) to haveyour cameraLighting Rig merged into the scene.You can use preview tosee how your night view will appear in the game. With truNite export itshall show you EXACT view you’ll have in game.
Once you are satisfied with both day and night views you can start exporting. here is a step by step procedure: - Export LODS. You can technically do it from either day ornight scene this doesn’t really matter. But make sure that LODs in dayand Night are absolutely identical. This is VERY important.
- Render out your day scene as normal.
- When render is done, press FSH Batch Build and when finishedDAT FSH Insert. at this stage your day views will be inserted inSC4Model file. You can close day scene (以上日景,以下夜景)
- Open your night scene. Import SAME very model name you’ve used for day export and press Render BAT
- With render done press FSH Batch Built.
- After FSH Batch will finish building FSHs Press (1) day-2-nite button in truNite Export roll-out.
- When it will finish and you’ll gat confirmation message Press(2) truNite insert button. This will insert newly created night FSHsinto SC4Model File.