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发表于 2003-10-23 20:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
回报你们的慷慨<br />tata                                                       <br />                                                                                                            SimCity 5<br /><br />I know that Simcity4 is the best game in the world, Yes THE BEST game of the world. And I really appreciate this game. But now I抦 going have a nice Sim city 5 Imagine from now&#33;<br />Note: Each tile is 10 meters. You can have buildings in 900 and 450. Each tile has 2 triangles.  <br />In my Imagination, the Simcity5 is like this:<br /><br />God mode tool:<br />1-Terrain generator:<br />Raise terrain:<br />Mountain:<br />Mountain<br />Volcano Mountains: active-not active<br />Mountain with a cave in it<br />Mountain with a water cave in it<br />Hills:<br />Steep hill<br />Normal hill<br />Mesas:<br />Large mesa<br />Normal mesa<br />Cliffs and Reefs:<br />Rock and stone cliffs<br />Coral Reefs and Islands in seas and oceans<br />Lower terrain:<br />Water (you can choose: salty water or fresh water):<br />Mineral water Lake<br />Swamp<br />Marsh<br />Creek<br />Huge River (Ships can be seen only in this kind of rivers.)<br />River<br />Lake<br />Waterfall<br />Valley:<br />Normal Valley<br />Steep valley<br />Small valley<br /><br />Note: tourists love caves, especially water caves&#33;.<br />2-Alive world:<br />Forests and plants and land space:<br />Forests and Jungles:<br />Oak forest<br />Maple forest<br />Pine Jungle<br />Palm tree forest (the palms will grow in desert that the weather is dry and hot)<br />Fruit trees<br />Plants:<br />Flowers<br />Vegetable plants<br />Plants without any fruit or vegetables <br />Ground:<br />Ice<br />Grass<br />Snow<br />Desert<br />Plain<br />Animals:<br />Woodland animals and horses<br />Mammals: wild, farm ones<br />Penguins<br />Reptiles<br />Whales<br />Sharks<br />Birds<br />Fish<br /><br />Note: Different animals need their own place to live, for example you can抰 create penguins in deserts or sharks in swamps.<br />3-Weather:<br />Dry and hot <br />Dry and cold<br />Wet and hot<br />Wet and cold<br /><br />Note: You can choose only one or two of them.<br />4-Natural Resources:<br />Oil and natural gas wells<br />Oil well<br />Great oil well<br />Gas well<br />Great gas well<br />Mines<br />Mineral water<br />Coal mine<br />Gold mine<br />Diamond mine<br />Turquoise mine<br />Ruby mine<br />Expensive Stones mine<br />Emerald mine<br />Note: For getting a more realistic game, you are able to just put one or two of these resources because they play a great role for your country. They produce money, and if you have a huge coal mine, you can have a coal power plant. And while putting these, you can抰 see any oil or gold there, it抯 has its effects when you are mayor.<br />5-Winds:<br />Set winds from north-south<br />Set winds from east-west<br />Set winds from northern west-southern east<br />Set winds from southern east- northern west<br />Set winds from southern east- northern west<br />Set winds from southern west - northern east<br />Set winds from northern west - southern east <br />Note: after setting the winds you can type the speed of it, but too much speed can destroy every thing&#33;<br /><br />6-Seasons:<br />Winter<br />Spring<br />Summer<br />Fall<br />Auto season or season抯 cycle<br />7-Disasters:<br />Volcano Attack: (Only Available if I have a volcano)<br />Meteor: large, medium, small<br />Tornado<br />Tsunami<br />Cyclone<br />Flood <br />Earthquake (you can type the Richter of it from 4 to 12, for example 6.2 Richter抯)<br />Whirlpool<br />Tidal Wave<br />Blizzard <br />Ice age Disaster<br />Ice storm<br />Drought<br />Famine<br />Forest fire<br />Hail storm<br />Lightning<br />Avalanche<br />Famine<br />Drought<br />8-Control Day and Night:<br />Day Only<br />Night Only<br />Day/night<br />9-Reconcile edges:<br />Reconcile edges<br />Auto reconcile edges <br />10-Obliterate the city:<br />Obliterate the city and landscape<br />Obliterate the city only<br />11-Interesting Happenings:<br />Sun Eclipse<br />Lunar Eclipse<br />Comets <br />Note: all of these happenings will bring thousands and maybe millions of tourist to the city. Especially Sun Eclipse.<br /><br />Note: When you are creating one of these things, there should appear after 5 minutes or more.<br />NOTE: number 11-10-9-8-7-6-5 and 3 are available after stating the mayor mode.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Mayor mode tool:<br />Landscape and other details:<br />Land and trees:<br />Grass<br />Raise land<br />Lower land<br />Surface water<br />Trees: oak, maple, pines, palm and etc.<br />Sidewalks and park and sidewalk抯 seats:<br />Model 1<br />Model 2<br />Model 3<br />Model 4<br />Model 5<br />Model 6<br />Model 7<br /><br />Note: You can create the different models of Sidewalks and park and sidewalk抯 seats by dragging them over streets or roads and etc. and if there is highway or freeway and etc. the dragger color will be like them.<br />Trash cans:<br />Model 1<br />Model 2<br />Model 3<br />Model 4<br />Model 5<br />Model 6<br />Model 7<br /><br />Note: you can place them in sidewalks, parks and ect.<br />Build walls<br />Model 1<br />Model 2<br />Model 3<br />Model 4<br />Model 5<br />Model 6<br />Model 7<br />Build sound wall&#33;<br />Note: These walls should keep animals, maybe for wildlife parks,<br />Buildings styles:<br />European<br />Middle Eastern <br />American <br />West Asia<br />Classical<br />Modern<br />Gothic <br /><br />Note: and I didn抰 think about others. And you can choose just one or two of them. If the climate in the city is rainy and wet, the houses will be gable roof.<br />Environmental zones:<br />No littering zone<br />No smoking zone <br />No walking on grass zone.<br />No pet allowed zone<br />No fishing zone<br />No swimming zone<br />No car allowed zone<br />No biking zone<br />No photographing zone<br />No filming zone<br />No jewelry allowed zone <br />No drinking zone<br />Note: the zones can be on every where and does not take tiles; it抯 just on parks and etc. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Emergency:<br />Dispatch:<br />Dispatch Police<br />Dispatch Anti riot police<br />Dispatch traffic police into accidents area<br />Dispatch Fire fighters<br />Dispatch big fires Fire fighters<br />Dispatch Ambulances <br />Dispatch Emergency crew<br />Alarms:<br />Ring City wide Emergency alarm<br />Ring Emergency alarm<br />Place emergency alarm<br /><br />Note: in Emergency alarm you can choose a part of a city to ring alarm. And building an alarm has a Radius. (Large Radius&#33;) Or the Sims will not hear the alarm. And the alarm does not take a tile, its like trees.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Transportation:  <br />1-Build Different kinds of Roads:<br />Build streets: 1 tile<br />Build Cobblestone Street: 1 tile<br />Build Roads: 1 tile<br />Build toll roads: 1tile<br />Build small boulevards: 2 tiles<br />Build Boulevards: 3 tiles<br />Build Avenues: 4 tiles<br />Build freeways: 4 tiles<br />Build ground highways: 4 tiles<br />Build above-ground highways: 4 tiles<br />Build toll needed highways, Avenues, Roads and Boulevards: 4 tiles <br />2-Build bus stops:<br />Build bus stops with roof: Capacity: 500 Sims 1*1 tiles<br />Build open bus stops: Capacity: 500, does not take any tiles, but not usable while raining<br />Build small bus terminal: capacity: 20,000 Sims, 3*3 tiles<br />Build large bus terminal: capacity: 50,000 Sims, 5*5 tiles<br />Build mega bus terminal: capacity: 100,000 Sims: 10*10 tiles<br />3-Build Different kind of Road抯 Requirements 1:<br />Build cloverleaf (for Highways)<br />Build overpass onramp (for Above-ground Highways)<br />Build side onramp (for Above-ground Highways) <br />Build Bridge over water:<br />Arch (brick, cast iron, concrete, steel, stone and timber).<br />Beam.<br />Cable-stayed<br />Cantilever<br />Covered<br />Floating<br />Movable (bascule, vertical-lift, swing) <br />Pedestrian skywalks<br />Suspension. <br />Truss <br />Build Bridge over valleys:<br />Arch (brick, cast iron, concrete, steel, stone and timber).<br />Beam.<br />Cable-stayed<br />Cantilever<br />Covered<br />Pedestrian skywalks<br />Suspension <br />Truss<br />Build Tunnels <br />Build underground tunnels<br />Build underpass road under high ways<br />Build underwater tunnels<br />Build overpass (not for Highways)<br />Build underpass (not for Highways) <br />Build bridge-tunnel<br />4-Build Rails and train requirements  <br />Build Multiplied Rail Railroad<br />Build mono Rail Railroad<br />Build Elevated Railroad<br />Build Fast train抯 railway (It抯 above ground)<br />Build small passenger station: Capacity: 1,000 Sims<br />Build medium passenger station: Capacity: 4,000 Sims<br />Build Large passenger station: Capacity: 10,000 Sims<br />Build grand passenger station: Capacity: 50,000 Sims<br />Build small Freight station: Capacity: 1,000 Tons<br />Build medium Freight station station: Capacity: 4,000 Tons<br />Build Large Freight station: Capacity: 10,000 Tons<br />Build grand Freight station: Capacity: 50,000 Tons<br />Build small fast train station: Capacity: 500 Sims<br />Build medium fast train station: Capacity: 2,500 Sims<br />Build large fast train station: Capacity: 10,000 Sims<br />Build grand fast train station: Capacity: 30,000 Sims<br />5-Build Subway and Subway requirements:<br />Build Subway rail: at deep of 50, 75, and 100,150 meters.<br />Build Subway small station<br />Build Subway medium Station<br />Build Subway large station<br />Build subway grand station<br />6-Build Subway-train-fast train stations:<br />Build small Subway-train-fast train station: Capacity: 2,000 Sims<br />Build medium Subway-train-fast train station: Capacity: 8,000 Sims<br />Build large Subway-train-fast train station: Capacity: 30,000 Sims<br />Build grand Subway-train-fast train station: Capacity: 100,000 Sims<br />7-Build Airports:<br />Small landing strip: 10*140 tiles, 1 Runway, 1 terminal. Capacity: 2,500 passenger, 1,000 Tons cargo. And 3,000 and 1,200 after upgrading.  <br />Normal Airport: 15*200 tiles, 1 Runway and 2 if upgraded, 1 terminal, 2 if upgraded. Capacity: 4,000 passenger, 1,500 Tons cargo and 5,000 and 2,000 after upgrading.<br />International airport: 80*350, 2 Runways and 3 if upgraded. 2 terminal, 3 if upgraded. Capacity: 10,000 passengers, 2,400 Tons cargo and 16,000 and 3,000 cargo after upgrading.  <br />Large mega international airport, 6 runways, no need to upgrading. 8 terminals. 500*120 tiles Capacity: 150,000 Passenger and 30,000 cargos. <br />8-Build Seaports:<br />Small seaport: 1,000 passengers and 50,000 tons for cargo.<br />Medium seaport: 2,000 passengers and 150,000 tons for cargo.<br />Large seaport: 3,000 passengers and 350,000 tons for cargo.<br />Mega seaport: 15,000 passengers and 1,000,000 tons for cargo.<br />9-Zoning traffic zones:<br />One way zone<br />Closed way zone<br />No passing zone <br />No bus allowed zone<br />No parking zone.<br />No heavy truck zone<br />No bicycle riding zone<br />Speed of under 60 km/h zone: at night/at day<br />Speed of under 80 km/h zone: at night/at day<br />Speed of under 100 km/h zone: at night/at day<br />Speed of under 120 km/h zone: at night/at day<br />Not limited speed zone: at night/at day<br />No taxis allowed zone<br />10-Streets, roads, boulevards and avenues requirements 2:<br />Build Small Square: radius of 1 tile.<br />Build medium square: radius of 2 tiles<br />Build large square: radius of 3 tiles<br />Build City center square: radius of 5 tiles.<br />Build small overpass sidewalk for people<br />Build large overpass sidewalk for people <br />Place traffic light of 3 lights (green-yellow-red)<br />Place traffic light of 2 lights (green-red)<br />Place traffic camera 1<br />Place traffic camera 2<br />Place traffic camera 3<br />Place traffic light of single light (twinkling yellow)<br />Color streets and roads and etc lines with white color<br />Color streets and roads and etc lines with yellow color<br />Place mirror<br />Place billboard for highways<br />Place sound barrier<br />11-Build parking:<br />Build small parking: Capacity: 200 cars 2*3 tiles<br />Build medium parking: capacity: 300 cars 3*4 tiles<br />Build large parking: Capacity: 500 cars 3*6 tiles<br />Build small apartment parking: capacity: 1,000 cars 2*3 tiles, 5 floors<br />Build large apartment parking: Capacity: 2,000 cars 3*6 tiles, 4 floors<br />Build mega underground parking: Capacity: 5,000 cars. The tiles do not matter. Deep of 10, 15 and 20 meters. <br />12-Choosing the model of streetlights and signs<br />Model one<br />Model two<br />Model three<br />Model four<br />Model five<br />Model six<br />Model seven<br />13-Advertisement signs:<br />Model one<br />Model two<br />Model three<br />Model four<br />Model five<br />Model six<br />Model seven<br />14-Naming transportation buildings and ways:<br />Naming transportation buildings <br />Naming transportation ways<br />15-Build Charges plazas for toll:<br />Model one<br />Model two<br />Model three<br />Model four<br />Model five<br />Model six<br />Model seven<br />16-Set particulars of a highway:<br />Make a highway federal highway<br />Make a highway toll highway<br />17-Way mode converter:<br />Avenue-highway<br />Highway-avenue<br />Road-highway <br />Highway-road<br />Boulevard-highway<br />Highway-Boulevard<br />Avenue-Boulevard<br />Boulevard-Avenue<br />Avenue-road<br />Road 朆oulevard<br />Ground rail-elevated rail<br />Elevated rail-ground rail<br />Above-ground highway to ground highway (It would be very useful) <br />Ground highway to Above-ground highway (It would be very useful too) <br />18-Transportation services and signs:<br />Services in middle of the road-model1-model2<br />The name of the place sign<br />How many kilometers left sign <br />Directions sign<br />Road details sign<br />Stop sign<br />Lower speed sign<br />Tunnel sign<br />Bridge sign<br />Taxis can stop here sign <br />Zone signs: (the sign of the zones, for example: No 揷ars allowed zone拻 sign<br />19- Intersections style:<br />Trumpet style<br />t-style<br />Y style<br />L style<br />K style<br />N style ( two straight roads and a  diagonal road connecting them.) <br />20- Tramway Lines and stations:<br />Build slow tramway line<br />Build fast tramway line<br />Build slow tramway station (do not take a tile)<br />Build large tramway station<br />21- Ships and boats line:<br />Lay water lines<br />Build a small dock<br />Build a medium dock<br />Build a huge dock<br /><br />Note: Only High and medium wealth Can take Fast train and Fast train lowers the commute time. And you should have average IQ of 160 in your city. The Capacities for Subway stations are like Fast train. You can put traffic lights every where but it helps only if it抯 placed in junctions and such. There are no auto traffic lights now. You should place them all. Zones will be zoned on streets and etc and does not take a tile. I wrote the tiles for airports because in sc4 the tiles were not real. A runway can抰 be 600 meters&#33; And by overpass side walk, people can get from a side of avenue to other side. Models are up to you maxis&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; The yellow lined color will be useful in snow, and reduces accidents there. Advertisement signs will cost high, but goes to income&#33; And naming is by drag a line over a way and then write the name on it. If you put signs incorrectly, there will be accidents, heavy traffic and complains&#33; Capacities are per day, and airports and seaports are serving all region. Tramways can be built on No Cars allowed cobblestone streets.  <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />ZONES:<br />Note: We have 7 kind of Wealth this time:<br />&#036;: Residential: Very poor people like beggar men and addicts and etc, in all the people that do not have house. They should not be too much of this people because they do crimes, and they enter the &#036;&#036;&#036; and &#036;&#036;&#036;&#036; houses when it抯 abandoned. These people will come to your city when it抯 very big and also they will come if your crime is HIGH. Commercial: the street vendors and drudges are in this group. Industrial: the door keepers and also drudges of dirty Industries. They don抰 pay taxes.<br />==============================================================================================<br />&#036;&#036;: Residential: they are poor. They have houses and they live in city and pay taxes. They do crimes but not as &#036;. Commercial: they are street vendors but sell cigarettes, cheap toys and cheap clothes and these things. (Not selling cigarettes and gums like &#036;). Industry: the door keepers and washers and etc of Dirty and manufacture Industry. Some of them have very small and basic farms. They will escape from your city if your taxes for them are more than 3%. <br />==============================================================================================<br />&#036;&#036;&#036;: Residential: they play the role of &#036; in SC4. They have houses and cars but cheap ones. They do crimes but very few. Commercial: very little shops and they work as an employment in &#036;&#036;&#036;&#036; and &#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036; shops. Industry: they work as an employment for Dirty and manufacture Industries. They don抰 like farms.  <br />==============================================================================================<br />&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;: They play the role of &#036;&#036; in SC4. They have more than house; they have good cars, good Jobs and good life. They don抰 want many things from you but they only hate pollution and crime. (Education and others are Important too) Commercial: they have good shops and boutiques and etc. Industry: they are workers in High technology Industries. Some of them have great farms. <br />==============================================================================================<br />&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;: They play the role of &#036;&#036;&#036; in SC4. They have houses and good cars but not mansions. Most of them have villas out of the city. Commercial: they have great shops, good hotels and great restaurants. Industry: They just work in High technology or they are the boss of a dirty Industry. <br />==============================================================================================<br />&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;: You cannot have them easily. They have a golden life, and very rich. Commercial: they have good shopping centers, 5 star hotels, and popular restaurants like McDonalds. Industry: they can be a boss of manufacture Industry and High technology&#33;<br />==============================================================================================<br />&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;: No you cannot have them in your city. But maybe 1 or 2 can be in your city. There are Billionaires, and they all have great jobs. Commercial: They are bosses of great 5 star hotels and boss of shopping centers like Harrods&#33;<br /><br />Residential:<br />Very low density        max: 4        min: 1<br />Low density              max: 15      min: 5<br />Medium density        max: 100    min: 16<br />High density              max: 500    min: 101<br />Super High density:  max: 6,000  min: 501<br />Industry:<br />Very low density        max: 10        min: 4<br />Low density              max: 30      min: 11<br />Medium density        max: 100      min: 31<br />High density              max: 250    min: 101<br />Super High density:  max: 800    min: 251<br />Low density Agriculture:    max: 10    min: 2<br />High Density Agriculture:    max: 30    min: 11<br />Commercial:<br />Very low density        max: 10        min: 5<br />Low density              max: 60      min: 11<br />Medium density        max: 150      min: 61<br />High density              max: 450      min: 151<br />Super High density:  max: 3,000    min: 451<br />Hotels and motel抯 zone (the star and wealth of the zone bases on residential wealth and land value)<br />Restaurant抯 zone (the Quality and wealth of the zone bases on residential wealth and land value)<br />Shopping center (the Quality and wealth of the zone bases on residential wealth and land value)  <br />Mixed:<br />Residential-Commercial<br />Industrial- Commercial<br />Residential- Industry<br />Residential- Industry- Commercial <br />Note: you can choose the density and the percent mixture of the zones, for example: 80% Residential, 15% Industrial, and 5% Commercial<br />Governmental:<br />Governmental Houses<br />Governmental Shopping center<br />Governmental Industry<br />Governmental Agriculture<br />Note: They don抰 pay taxes <br />International:<br />Embassies: (If It抯 Capital city)<br />Consuls: (high demand and population of it)<br />Different countries school (like French school)<br />Different countries Restaurant (like Italian Restaurant)<br />Different Countries town (like China town) (it contains Residential and commercial zones)<br />  <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Natural resources buildings:<br />Oil and natural gas wells<br />Small oil well      cost to build: 2,000 dollars    monthly expenses: 2,000 dollars<br />Oil refinery          cost to build: 25,000 dollars  monthly expenses: 5,000 dollars <br />Gas well              cost to build: 2,000 dollars    monthly expenses: 2,000 dollars<br />Mines<br />Mineral water mine      cost to build: 100 dollars      monthly expense: 20 dollars<br />Coal mine                      cost to build: 500 dollars    monthly expenses: 300 dollars<br />Gold mine                      cost to build: 500 dollars    monthly expenses: 300 dollars<br />Diamond mine              cost to build: 600 dollars    monthly expenses: 300 dollars<br />Turquoise mine              cost to build: 500 dollars    monthly expenses: 300 dollars<br />Ruby mine                      cost to build: 500 dollars    monthly expenses: 300 dollars<br />Expensive Stones mine  cost to build: 500 dollars    monthly expenses: 300 dollars<br />Emerald mine                  cost to build: 500 dollars    monthly expenses: 300 dollars<br />Natural resources services and buildings:<br />Small gasoline station              cost to build: 100 dollars    monthly expenses: 20 dollars          number of pumps: 2<br />Medium gasoline station          cost to build: 120 dollars    monthly expenses: 30 dollars          number of pumps: 3<br />Large gasoline station              cost to build: 150 dollars    monthly expenses: 50 dollars          number of pumps: 5<br />Grand Gas station                    cost to build: 150 dollars    monthly expenses: 50 dollars          number of pumps: 8<br />Small Dam                              cost to build: 15,000 dollars    monthly expenses: 600 dollars <br />Large Dam                              cost to build: 20,000 dollars    monthly expenses: 1,000 dollars<br />Build small canal <br />Build large canal                                                      <br /><br />Note: if you have an oil or gas well, the oil and gas will be finished after 100-180 years. And the stones are randomly. Very high flammability in gasoline stations. And if you don抰 have oil your country should pay some money each year to buy them, the country will automatically pay that due to population, not you&#33; You抮e not president or something like that. So you MUST put some gas and oil while you are in god mode, if you don抰 want to have expensive expenses. Canals are like rivers but with regular form and maybe wall around.      <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Utilities and Communications:<br />Power:<br />Power lines:<br />Model 1 <br />Model 2<br />Model 3<br />Model 4<br />Model 5<br />Model 6<br />Model 7<br />Power plants:<br />Coal power plant (you should have a coal mine for that)<br />Oil power plant (you should have oil well with oil refinery)<br />Natural gas plant (you should have a natural gas well and gas line to the plant)<br />Hydroelectric power plant (you should have a dam in a river)<br />Wind power plant (you should have good winds like 60 km/h wind and having them in the suitable place like hills)<br />Water vapor plant (you should have pipes from a water pump or tower and etc to have this plant)<br />Small solar plant<br />Large Solar plant<br />Fusion plant<br />Nuclear plant<br />Hydrogen plant <br />Super nuclear plant (every body will complain you because you can make chemical weapons with that and possibility of war&#33;)<br />Geothermal power plant<br /><br />Note: The plants after wind need requirements. <br />Water pipes:<br />Model 1 <br />Model 2<br />Model 3<br />Model 4<br />Model 5<br />Model 6<br />Model 7<br />Water services and buildings:<br />Water pump<br />Water tower<br />Changing salt water to drinkable water plant (needs salt water like a sea)<br />Water treatment plant: this time it can treat more water, for example 50,000 m3 <br />Sewage system:<br />Sewage pipes<br />Sewage to clean water changing plant (sewage treatment plant)<br />Gas lines:<br />Model 1 <br />Model 2<br />Model 3<br />Model 4<br />Model 5<br />Model 6<br />Model 7<br /><br />Note: you should have a gas well.<br />Garbage Services and buildings:<br />Zone low density landfill<br />Zone medium density landfill<br />Zone high density landfill <br />Build small Recycling center: population served: 20,000<br />Build large Recycling center: population served: 50,000  <br />Incinerators<br />Waste to energy plant<br />Telephone lines:<br />Model 1 <br />Model 2<br />Model 3<br />Model 4<br />Model 5<br />Model 6<br />Model 7<br />Telephone Companies:<br />Small Telephone Company:  20,000 people served<br />Medium Telephone Company: 50,000 people served<br />Large Telephone Company: 80,000 people served<br />Grand Telephone Company: 150,000 people served<br />Telephone Buildings and places:<br />Telephone booth: red, green, yellow, blue, white, black<br />Small public telephone抯 building: 2 lines<br />Medium public telephone抯 building: 4 lines<br />Large public telephone抯 building: 8 lines<br />Abroad call telephones booth<br />Note: booths and all buildings can be placed on every where without taking a tile, just like trees<br />Internet Companies:<br />Telephone Internet provider<br />Cable Internet provider<br />Digital Internet provider<br />Public computers:<br />Small public computers room: 1*2 tiles: 5 computers <br />Large public computers room: 2*4 tiles: 20 computers<br />Telephone Internet room 1*1 tiles<br />Cable Internet room 1*1 tiles<br />Digital Internet room 1*1 tiles <br />Post Services:<br />Place mailbox<br />Build Post office<br />Grand post office<br />Telegraph and telegram services:<br />Telegraph center<br />Big Telegram center<br />Cell phones and mobile services:<br />Cell phone tower<br />Cell phone satellite <br />SMS center<br />Text Message service<br />Voice message service<br /><br />Note: the radius of satellite should be displayed<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />  <br /><br />  <br />Civic buildings:<br />Build Fire buildings:<br />Small fire station: 1 engine 2*2 tiles<br />Medium fire station: 2 engines 2*3 tiles<br />Large fire station: 1 Super engine 4 engines 3*5 tiles<br />Emergency and big fires fire station: 10 super engines with 15 engines. 10*12 tiles<br />Place fire Hydrants (need to be connected to water pipes)<br />Place fire Co2 Hydrants<br />Build police buildings:<br />Small police station: 1 squad car 1*2 tiles<br />Medium police station: 2 squad cars 3*3 tiles<br />Large police station: 1 Anti riot police cars 4 squad cars 4*5 tiles<br />Emergency and Anti riot and terrorist attacks police station: 10 police cars,5 squad cars, 3 anti riot cars 10*15 tiles.<br />Small jail: 400 cells<br />Medium jail: 1000 cells<br />Large jail: 2500 cells<br />Federal prison: 5000 cells<br />Highest security jail: 6000 cells<br /><br />Build Educational buildings:<br />1-Build Kindergartens:<br />Build small kindergarten: 100 students: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />Build medium kindergarten: 300 students: model 1-model 2- model 3 <br />Build large kindergarten: 500 students: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />2- Build elementary schools:<br />Build small elementary school: 300 students: model 1-model 2<br />Build medium elementary school: 500 students: model 1-model 2<br />Build large elementary school: 750 students: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />3- Build Junior schools: <br />Build small junior high school: 300 students: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />Build medium junior high school: 600 students: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />Build large junior high school: 900 students: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />4-Build High schools:<br />Build small high school: 400 students: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />Build medium high school: 600 students: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />Build large high school: 900 students: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />5- Build Adult schools:<br />Build medium adult school: 500 adults: model 1-model 2- model 3 <br />Build large adult school: 800 adults: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />6- Build Colleges:<br />Build small college: 500 students: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />Build large college: 1,200 students: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />7- Build Libraries:<br />Build small Library: 10,000 books: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />Build large Library: 50,000 books: model 1-model 2- model 3<br />Build children抯 Library: 10,000 books: model 1-model 2- model 3 <br />Build grand library: 250,000 books<br />8- Build Museums<br />Build art museum<br />Build dinosaur museum<br />Build ancient objects museum<br />Build history museum <br />Build holy objects museum<br />Build science museum<br />9- Build Special schools and colleges:<br />Technical college<br />Medical College<br />Teacher抯 college<br />Business school<br />Charter school<br />Night school<br />Summer school<br />Medical school<br />Build medical buildings:<br />1- Build clinics:<br />Build small clinic: 300 patients: model 1-model 2  2*1 tiles  <br />Build medium clinic: 500 patients: model 1-model 2    3*1 tiles<br />Build large clinic: 750 patients: model 1-model 2  4*2 tiles<br />2- Build Hospitals:<br />Build small hospital: 1,000 patients: model 1-model 2  3*5 tiles<br />Build medium hospital: 1,500 patients: model 1-model 2  4*6 tiles<br />Build large hospital: 2,500 patients: model 1-model 2  4*6 tiles<br />3- Build Special medical buildings:<br />Build children抯 Hospital<br />Build Nurse home<br />Build Veterans hospital<br />Build high technology hospital<br />4- Build Mental hospitals and disease protection buildings:<br />Build small mental hospital<br />Build large mental hospital<br />Build leprous people hospital<br />5- Build drugstores:<br />Build small drugstore<br />Build large drugstore<br />Build 24 hour drugstore <br />6-Build Banks:<br />Small bank<br />Medium bank<br />Large bank<br />Grand bank<br />Electronic bank (in sidewalks and not take a tile)<br />Currency changer building<br /><br />Note: Banks can develop in commercial zones too.<br />7-Build religious buildings:<br />Build church (Christians)<br />Build mosque (Muslims)<br />Build synagogue (Jews)<br />Build Buddha temple (Buddhism)<br />Build fire temple (Zoroastrians) <br />Build graveyard<br />Build Cemetery<br />Build shrine<br /><br />Festivals Programs:<br />Christmas:<br />Citywide decorating program<br />Place Christmas pine tree 50&#036;<br />Place a 搈erry Christmas?written tableau  <br />Donating turkey program Send a merry Christmas postcard to all houses<br />Send a Merry Christmas to all cell phones program (needs cell phone Satellite and SMS center)<br />New Year:<br />Citywide Firework program<br />Citywide decorating program<br />Mother抯 day:<br />Send a postcard to all mothers <br />Place a (coagulations to all mothers) tableau<br />Father抯 day:<br />Send a postcard to all fathers <br />Place a (coagulations to all fathers) tableau<br /><br />Note 1: These kinds of programs will raise mayor rating much. Especially mother抯 and father抯 day.<br /><br />Note 2: really sorry because I live in Iran and I don抰 know any other festivals or programs of Europeans and Americans. Forgive me about that, I heard some festivals like thanksgiving and carnival, but I don抰 know what you do in those festivals&#33; <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Build and zone Parks, Recreation and sports areas: <br />Build parks:<br />Small Open paved area 1*1 tiles <br />Medium paved area 2*2 tiles<br />Large paved area 3*3 tiles<br />Community garden 1*1 tiles<br />Community garden 2*2 tiles<br />Small Flower garden 1*1 tiles<br />Medium Flower garden 2*2 tiles<br />Large Flower garden 3*3 tiles<br />Open grass area 1*1 tiles<br />Small Park green 1*1 tiles<br />Medium park green 2*2 tiles<br />Large park green 3*3 tiles<br />Small Pond 2*2 tiles<br />Large pond 4*4 tiles<br />Beach 4*10 tiles<br />Gazebo 1*1 tiles<br />Small ranger station 2*1 tiles<br />Large ranger station 3*2 tiles<br />Small fountain: 1*1 tiles<br />Large fountains: 3*3 tiles<br />Build fine wall<br />Zone parks:<br />Grand Park (at least 8*8 tiles)<br />Boardwalk (maximally 2 tiles from water)<br />Beach<br />Coastal Park<br />Flower garden<br />Fountain<br />Build Recreation areas:<br />Build outdoor swimming pool<br />Build indoor swimming pool<br />Build marina<br />Build harbor for cruise ships<br />Build Federal park<br />Build Dirt-bike track <br />Fishing pier<br />Ice-fishing<br />Indoor playground<br />Build mineral water swimming pool (needs pipes from a mineral water spring)<br />Circus (its better if it抯 as a reward)<br />Small playground<br />Large playground <br />Small Water Park<br />Medium Water Park<br />Large Water Park <br />Theme park (a reward)<br />Zone Recreation areas:<br />Fishing area<br />Picnic area<br />Ice fishing<br />Camping area<br />Playground<br />Theme park: (a reward)<br />Funfair: (a reward)<br />Zone leisure area:<br />Leisure zone for beaches<br />Leisure zones for mountains <br />Normal leisure zone on soft land<br />Build sports areas and courts:<br />1-Soccer:<br />Outdoor soccer field<br />Indoor soccer field<br />Indoor soccer salon (in salon football) <br />Soccer Stadium (a reward) <br />Optional soccer stadium: you can write the number of seats their. It抯 good if it抯 between 1,000 and 180,000 and the same money will cost on seats number&#33;<br />2-Basketball:<br />Outdoor basketball court<br />Indoor basketball court<br />Basketball stadium<br />Note: you can write down the seats around: 100-30,000 seats<br />3-Tennis:<br />Tennis court<br />Indoor tennis court<br />Tennis stadium: 100-25,000 seats<br />4-Baseball:<br />Baseball court <br />Baseball stadium: 500-60,000 seats<br />5-Golf:<br />Zone golf ground<br />Build golf ground<br />Golf stadium: 200-10,000 seats<br />6- Gym:<br />Small gym<br />Medium gym<br />Large gym<br />7- wrestle:<br />Small wrestling stadium<br />Medium wrestling stadium<br />Large wrestling stadium<br />8- Hockey:<br />Hokey stadium: 500-60,000 seats<br />Small hockey stadium<br />9- Volleyball:<br />Beach volleyball<br />Volleyball court<br />Indoor volleyball court<br />Volleyball stadium: 1,000-40,000 seats<br />10- Billiards:<br />Small billiard club: 2 tables<br />Medium Billiard club: 4 tables<br />Large Billiard club: 8 tables<br />Huge Billiard Salon: 20 tables<br />11- Car and motorcycles Races:<br />Stadium: 60,000-500,000 seats: at least 500*2000 tiles&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; <br />12- American Football:<br />Small field<br />Large field<br />American Football stadium: 2,000-120,000 seats<br />13- Skating:<br />Skating park<br />Skating indoor rink<br />Skating stadium: 200-20,000 seats<br />14- Skiing:<br />Skiing resort<br />Skiing camp<br />Skiing resort with Tele-cabin service<br />Skiing big resort for skiing race <br />15- On grass skiing:<br />Skiing resort<br />Skiing camp<br />Skiing  <br />Ski run<br />Ski lift<br />16- Surf riding<br />Surf riding resort<br />Surf riding center<br />17- Boating<br />Choose a canal/river to have boating there<br />Boating resort<br />Boatman抯 camp<br />18- Running<br />Build a running place in a soccer stadium<br />Build a running circle<br />Choose a street/road to run there<br />Choose a avenue/boulevard to have Marathon there<br />19- Effect抯 sports:<br />Small effects sport抯 arena<br />Medium effects sport抯 arena<br />Large effects sports arena<br />20- Cricket:<br />Cricket field<br />Cricket stadium: 200-75,000 seats<br />21- Ice skating:<br />Small Ice skating arena<br />Medium Ice skating arena<br />Large Ice skating arena<br />Ice skating stadium: 100-30,000 seats<br />22- Swimming:<br />Small swimming pool<br />Diving area (can be on beach)<br />Medium swimming pool<br />Large swimming pool<br />Water dance<br />23- Badminton:<br />Outdoor badminton court<br />Indoor badminton court<br />Badminton Stadium: 50-25,000 seats<br />24- Sports arena:<br />Small sport抯 arena: 30*8 tiles<br />Medium sport抯 arena: 40*15 tiles<br />Large sports arena: 60*20 tiles<br /><br />Note: you can upgrade stadiums. If you have good stadiums you can Build huge sports arena of 300*500 tiles and be ready for Olympics&#33;&#33; And if you have good stadiums in your country, you抮e country can be ready for world cup.<br /><br />Plazas:<br />Very small plazas: 1*1 tiles<br />Small plazas: 2*2 tiles<br />Medium plazas: 3*3 tiles<br />Large plazas: 4*4 tiles<br />Very large plazas: 6*6 tiles<br />Grand plaza: 12*12 tiles <br />Zone plaza<br />Zone plaza with some commercial shops inside (like Ice cream shops)<br />Note: plazas are crowded always and also festivals will be there too.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Landmarks:<br />ASIA AND AUSTRALIA:<br />East Asia Landmarks:<br />Japan:<br />1-Akhibara, Tokyo<br />2-Landmark tower, Yokohama <br />3-Tokyo tower, Tokyo<br />China:<br />4-Bank of china tower, Hong Kong<br />5-Central Plaza, Hong Kong<br />6- Central Radio and TV tower, Beijing <br />7-Jin Mao Tower, Shanghai<br />8-Oriental Pearl TV, Shanghai<br />9-Tianjin tower, Tianjin<br />10- Shun Hing square, Shenzhen    <br />11-CITIC plaza, Guangzhou <br />North Korea:<br />12-Juche tower, Pyongyang  <br />13-Ryugyang hotel, Pyongyang<br />South Korea:<br />14-Seoul city hall, Seoul<br />15-Sungrye-mum, Seoul<br />Taiwan:<br />16-T & C tower, Koahsiung<br />17-The living mall, Taipei <br />Southern East Asia Landmarks:<br />Cambodia:<br />18-Angkor WAT<br />Malaysia:<br />19-Menara Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur<br />20-Petronas twin towers, Kuala Lumpur<br />Thailand:<br />21- Temple of Emerald Buddha, Bangkok<br />Australia:<br />22- Sydney opera house, Sydney<br />India and central Asia Landmarks:<br />India:<br />22- Golden temple, Amritsar<br />23- Taj Mahal, Agra<br />Pakistan:<br />24-Faisal mosque, Islamabad <br />Kazakhstan:<br />25- Alma-Ata tower, Almaty<br />Middle East Landmarks:<br />Jordan:<br />26- Roman theatre, Amman <br />Saudi Arabia:<br />27- Kingdom centre, Riyadh<br />Kuwait:<br />28-Water tower, Kuwait city<br />29-Liberation Tower, Kuwait city<br />Iran:<br />30- Azadi monument, Tehran<br />31- Milad tower, Tehran<br />32- Chehel sotun museum, Isfahan <br />33- Takht-e jamshid, Persepolis <br />United Arab Emirates:<br />34- Burj al Arab hotel, Dubai<br />35- Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai<br />36- Emirates tower, Dubai<br />Palestine:<br />37-The Dom of the rock, Jerusalem<br />Turkey (except Istanbul, Asia part):<br />38- Temple of Artemis of the Ephesians, Ephesus <br />39- Tomb of King Mausolus of Caria, Halicarnassus (Bodrum)<br />Iraq:<br />40- Ziggurat of Ur, Muquyyar  <br />AMERICA:<br />North America:<br />Canada:<br />1- CN tower, Toronto, Ontario <br />2- Calgary tower, Calgary, Alberta<br />3- Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, Ontario<br />4- Saddledome, Calgary, Alberta<br />5- Vancouver aquarium, Vancouver, British Colombia <br />USA:<br />6- Alamo, San Antonio<br />7- Alcatraz, San Francisco  <br />8- Bank of America, San Francesco<br />9- Bullwinkle platform, New Mexico golf <br />10- California plaza, Walnut Creek <br />11- Capitol records building, Los Angles<br />12- Central park, New York City <br />13- Chrysler Building, New York City<br />14- Coit tower, San Francisco<br />15- Diamond head, Hawaii<br />16- Empire state Building, New York City<br />17- Faneiul Hall, Boston<br />18- Gateway Arch, St.Louis<br />19- Grand central, New York City<br />20- Guggenheim museum, New York City<br />21- Hollywood sign, Los Angles<br />22- Independence Hall, Philadelphia<br />23- Jefferson Memorial, Washington D.C<br />24- John Hancock tower, Boston      <br />25- Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C <br />26- Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans<br />27- Palace of fine arts, San Francisco    <br />28- Pentagon, Washington D.C<br />29- Rockefeller Center, New York City <br />30- Sears tower, Chicago<br />31- Smith tower, Seattle<br />32- Space needle, Seattle<br />33- Statue of Liberty, New York City<br />34- Stratosphere tower, Las Vegas<br />35- Sunsphere, Knoxville <br />36- Times square, New York City<br />37- Transamerica pyramid, San Francisco<br />38- United nations building, New York City<br />39- United states capitol, Washington D.C<br />40- Washington Monument, Washington D.C<br />41- White house, Washington D.C<br />42- World Trade Center A (destroyed), New York City<br />43- World Trade Center B (destroyed), New York City<br />44- Yellowstone park, New York City<br />Central America抯 Landmarks:<br />Mexico:<br />45-El Palacio de las Bellas Artes, Mexico city<br />46-Olmec head (I don抰 know which city)<br />47-Maya Pyramid (I don抰 know which city)<br />South America抯 Landmarks:<br />Peru:<br />48-Machu Picchu, Cuzco<br />Brazil:<br />49-Botanical garden of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro<br />50- Christ on the Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro  <br />AFRICA:<br />Egypt:<br />1- The Great Pyramid, Giza<br />2- Sphinx, Giza<br />3- Valley of the kings, Thebes<br />Kenya:<br />4- National Park, Nairobi<br />South Africa:<br />5- Fort Frederick building, Port Elizabeth<br />EUROPE:<br />Russia:<br />1- Hermitage, St. Petersburg <br />2- Kremlin, Moscow<br />3- Moscow Academic theatre, Moscow<br />4- Ostankino tower, Moscow<br />5- Red square, Moscow<br />6- St. Basil抯 Cathedral <br />Norway:<br />7- Akershus castle, Oslo <br />8- Storting, Oslo<br />Latvia:<br />9- Riga TV tower, Riga<br />Sweden:<br />10- Globe arena, Stockholm<br />France:<br />11- Arc de triomphe, Paris<br />12- Caves of Lascaux, Dordogne Region<br />13- Champs-Elysees, Paris<br />14- Eiffel tower, Paris<br />15- European Parliament, Strasburg      <br />16- Loire Chateau <br />17- Louver, Paris<br />18- Maison-Carree, Nimes<br />19- Notre dame, Paris  <br />20- Opera ballet, Paris<br />21- Sacre Coeur, Paris <br />22- Versailles, Paris<br />Greece:<br />23- Acropolis, Athens<br />24- Colossus of Rhodes, Rhodes <br />25- Parthenon, Athens<br />26- Statue of Zeus, Olympia <br />Germany:<br />27- Brandenburg gate, Berlin<br />28- Commerzbank Zentrale, Frankfurt<br />29- European Bank, Frankfurt<br />30- Fernsehterm, Berlin<br />31- Neuschwanstein, Fussen <br />32- Rotes Rathaus, Berlin<br />33- St. Nicholas church, Hamburg<br />34- Stuttgart TV tower, Stuttgart<br />Denmark:<br />35- Amalienborg, Copenhagen<br />36- Little Mermaid, Copenhagen  <br />37- Tivoli, Copenhagen<br />Italy:<br />38- Colosseum, Rome <br />39- Duomo, Florence<br />40- Doge抯 palace, Venice<br />41- Fountain of the four rivers, Rome<br />42- Leaning tower of Pisa, Pisa<br />43- Marcus square, Venice<br />44- Ponte di Rialto, Venice<br />45- Sistene Chapel, Rome<br />46- Trevi fountain, Rome<br />47- Vatican, Rome<br />Austria<br />48- Belvedere Palace, Vienna<br />49- Hofburg, Vienna<br />50- Prater, Vienna<br />51- Schonbrunn Palace, Vienna<br />Turkey (European part, Istanbul)<br />52- Blue mosque, Istanbul<br />53- Hagia Sophia, Istanbul<br />54- Suleiman mosque, Istanbul <br />Spain:<br />55- Alhambra, Granada <br />56- Casa Mila, Barcelona<br />57- Grand hotel Bali, Benidrom<br />58- Palicio Real, Madrid<br />Belgium:<br />59- Atomium Sculpture, Brussels<br />Netherlands:<br />60- Rotterdam Harbor, Rotterdam<br />England:<br />61- Bank of England, London<br />62- Big Ben, London<br />63- Balmoral castle, Aberdeen shire<br />64- Blackpool tower, Blackpool <br />65- Buckingham palace, London<br />66- Durham Cathedral, Durham<br />67- Duthie Park Winter Gardens, Aberdeen<br />68- Hadrian抯 Wall, Northumberland, Umbria<br />69- Harrods, London<br />70- Holyrood palace, Edinburgh<br />71- Hyde Park, London<br />72- London eye, London<br />73- Marishal College, Aberdeen <br />74- Piccadilly Circus, London <br />75- Royal mile, Edinburgh<br />76- Shakespeare抯 House, Stratford-upon-Avon <br />77- St. Paul抯 Cathedral<br />78- Tower of London<br />79- Warwick castle, Warwick<br />80- West Minster abbey  <br /><br />Note: Totally 175 Landmarks. And most of them are from America and Europe. The most landmarks are in 1- USA (39 landmarks) 2- England (20 Landmarks) and 3- France (12 Landmarks). Most of the Landmarks should create jobs.  <br />Demolish and dezone:<br />Demolish and dezone<br />Demolish only<br />Dezone only<br />Dezone residential<br />Dezone Commercial<br />Dezone Industrial <br /><br />Note: I did not write Rewards and Business deals .Maybe All SC4 Rewards + The_Dalai_Llama Wish list抯 Rewards. <br />Note: I have some New Rewards in mind, like Red Cross Centre, bourse building, funfair, Central park and Concert.<br />Note: It抯 a good Idea to base the power plants on years, Not Requirements.<br />Note: The power plants should not explode from old age, just shutdown.<br />Note: Sims can make Landmarks, but the building can be a landmark when you accepted it.<br />Note: Wealth can be mixed in a building.<br />Note: All of the buildings need construction, even bus stops. And some sidewalk superintendents are great&#33;<br />Note: Read All Scrappydogz抯 200 wishes and The_Dalai_Llama抯 Wish list and some other BBS wish lists, Maxis, Most of the Ideas are really important and you should have them in SimCity 5.  <br /><br /><br /><br />-----------------------------------------<br />Region details:<br />The premade cities are from all continents: Tokyo, Karachi, Bombay (Asia) New York, Mexico City, Los Angles, Chicago, Toronto, Sao Paulo (America), Cairo (Africa), Paris, Moscow, London, Berlin, Istanbul (Europe) and Melbourne and Sydney (Australia) <br />There are 5 kinds of city sizes: 1- 100*100 tiles 2- 200*200 tiles 3- 400*400 tiles 5- 1000*1000 tiles and 6- 1250*1250 tiles.<br />You can create a Region, country, state or a huge city. You can choose them and then you can write the percent of water, hills, and mountains and forest. <br />Region details:<br />It shows the population of residents, commercials and Industries. Then you have god mode too in your region and you can have the terrain from their but it抯 better to have it from the city.<br />When you want to start a city, It asks you what kind of city you want&#33; You can answer it with: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Residential-Industrial, Residential-Commercial and Residential-commercial-Industrial. And when you are looking at population, it writes the main population. For example if you have 4500 Industry jobs in your Industry city, it shows that the population in Yellow color and 4500&#33; You are able to change the city kind, for example from Industry to Commercial. <br />City search engine:<br />Type here:<br /><br /><br />Airports, Seaports, and a highway should Serve whole Region. Not a city. Absolutely airports should not serve Commercial only, it should serve all, and mostly Residents&#33; <br />In region there should be two kinds 7 kinds of view: 1- show the realistic region, that there抯 no Boundaries, city names and etc. Just the cities. 2- The boundaries 3- City names 4- Icons, in this case, the Airports, Major and federal highways, Seaports and Landmarks will have an Icon. For example for airport there抯 something like          5- Show the Landscape. 6- A view from the very top. 7- Shows all things together&#33;<br />Choose the date to start from: 1600 to 2000 <br />Set the cities particulars: Capital city and borderer city and sister city.<br /><br />The city抯 mini detail and info.<br />1-Query:<br /><br />Query:<br />An example of Query on Houses:<br />Name: Gray cottages<br />Altitude: 5 meters<br />Style: European<br />Wealth: &#036;&#036;&#036;-&#036;&#036;<br />Occupancy: 11/12<br />Type of zone: Low density Residential<br />Land Value: Medium<br />Mayor approval: Medium<br />Water: available<br />Power: available<br />Telephone service: available<br />Gas: available<br />Internet: not available<br />Cell phone Antenna number: none<br />=====================================<br />Crime: none<br />Flammability: Medium<br />Pollution: Low<br />Average commute of people living here: 23 minutes <br />Garbage: None<br />Education: Very low<br />Health: medium<br />===============================================<br />Desire(s): <br />Small Kindergarten nearby  <br />An example of Query on commercial building:<br />Name: Carrefour<br />Altitude: 8 meters<br />Style: American<br />Wealth: &#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;-&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;-&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;<br />Jobs: 228/240<br />Type of zone: High Density Commercial<br />Customers per day: 2,291 (high)<br />Land value: Very high <br />Water: available<br />Power: available<br />Telephone service: available<br />Gas: available<br />Internet: available<br />Cell phone antenna number: 4 (good)<br />===================================<br />Crime: low<br />Flammability: low<br />Pollution: none<br />Garbage: None<br />===============================================<br />Desire(s): <br />More customers<br />Avenue nearby<br />An Example of Industrial building:<br />Name: Biscuit Factory <br />Altitude: 15 meters<br />Style: Middle eastern<br />Wealth: &#036;-&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;-&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;<br />Jobs: 76/80<br />Type of zone: Medium density<br />Freight Trips: 85 minutes (long)<br />Land value: Very high <br />Water: available<br />Power: available<br />Telephone service: available<br />Gas: available<br />Internet: not available<br />Cell phone antenna number: 3 (Average)<br />===================================<br />Crime: medium<br />Flammability: medium<br />Pollution: medium<br />Garbage: very low<br />===============================================<br />Desire(s): <br />Railroad for freighting<br />Delete clean air Ordinance<br />An example of Query on Landmark:<br />Name: London Eye<br />Original place: London, England<br />Number of People Getting into London eye every day: 9,597<br />Powered: yes<br />Watered: Yes<br />Cell phone Antenna number: 5 (Excellent)<br /><br />Date built: 7/25/1967<br />An Example of Query on Airport:<br />Name: Lincoln International airport:<br />Flights departed per day: 67<br />Flights arrived per day: 71<br />Cargo: 1,859 tons per day<br />Passengers: 19,567 per day<br />Flights per hour: 5.75<br />Number of runways: 3<br />Number of terminals: 3<br />Sound pollution: medium<br />Cell phone Antenna: 4 (good) <br />Date built: 1/15/2008<br />An example of Query on a Reward<br />Name: Mayor抯 house<br />Cell phone Antenna: 5 (excellent)<br />Number of protests in front of the house: 2<br />Date built: 8/10/1981<br />An example of Query on a park:<br />Name: Central park<br />Status: Federal park<br />Number of visits per day: 40,092 people<br />Date built: 7/5/1965<br />An Example of query on a bridge:<br />Type: over Water Bridge<br />Model: Movable Swing Bridge<br />Type of way: Toll needed Avenue<br />Length: 54 meters<br />Cars passed per day: 321,157<br />Auto move: on<br />Date Built: 5/6/1985<br /><br />2-City names:<br />Each city should have 5 names: 1- the main name 2- the second name (maybe it抯 not needed) 3- the abbreviated name (should not have more than 3 letters, like NYC for New York City Or LA for Los Angles) 4- International Abbreviated name, You must have it. It should be 3 letters. Like IST for Istanbul and BGK for Bangkok and THR for Tehran&#33; 5- The long name: maybe your city name is very long and you want to write the name. <br />You can choose which name should be displayed for your city during the game. But the 30 helpers would choose all names in random mode.<br />Note: You should have the first and fourth name.<br /><br /><br />3-Simulators:<br />Very low speed: 60 minutes per month (my favorite one&#33;&#33;)<br />Low speed: 45 minutes per month<br />Lower- medium speed: 30 minutes per month<br />Medium speed: 20 minutes per month<br />Upper medium speed: 15 minutes per month<br />High speed: 10 minutes per month<br />Very high speed: 450 seconds per month<br />Super high speed: 5 minutes per month<br /><br />4-Rotate city:<br />        <br />  <br />                <br /><br /><br />You can rotate in eight angles, not 4 angles&#33;<br /><br />5-Clock and climate Information:<br />Examples:<br />City clock: 6:10 PM<br />Note: I released that in SC4 there are just: 00 and: 30. But here is 10 minutes by 10 minutes.<br />Temperature: 12C0 <br />Temperature in 24 hours: min 9C0, Max: 16C0<br />Pressure: 600 mm-mercury<br />Air details:<br />78/56 % nitrogen<br />19/34 % oxygen<br />0.21 % Mono oxide carbon<br />0.57 % Water vapor<br />0.78 % Carbon dioxide <br />0.25 % other poisonous gases<br />0.29 % other non-poisonous gases<br /><br /><br /><br />6-Special actions:<br />Snow:<br />Close a school<br />Close all schools<br />Cancel an airport flights<br />Cancel all flights<br />Cancel all seaport departs<br />Salt a street抯 snow<br />Salt all streets<br />Close a road<br />Melt snow (very expensive)<br />Melt all snows (don抰 do this&#33;)<br />Stop a governmental construction (like a school you decided to build, the zoned buildings will automatically stop working)<br />Snow shovel <br />All snows shovel <br />Do all things together<br />Rain and tornadoes and etc:<br />Close a street<br />Build a small dam<br />Cancel a flight<br />Cancel all flights<br />Cancel a seaport depart<br />Cancel all seaport departs<br />Do all things together<br /><br /><br />7-Mayor Rating:<br />Example:<br />General:<br />62.69<br />Details:<br />City opinion polls: 62.06<br />Advisors opinions: 47.32<br />Representative抯 opinions: 58.3<br />People polls: 83.1<br />8-RCI Demand:<br />Residential: <br />An Example:<br /><br />Note: The demands are like this: &#036;-&#036;&#036;-&#036;&#036;&#036;-&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;-&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;-&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;-&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;. This is just an example. The demands numbers are up to the demands; it can start from 100 to 10,000. Not like SC4 that it抯 just to 1,000. <br />9-Search engine:<br />Search:<br />1- All things existing in the city:<br />2- All buildings:<br />3- All ways:<br />4- Type of zone:<br />5- Population:<br />6- Stage:<br />7- Height:<br />8- Cell phone antenna:<br />9- Commute:<br />10- Size<br />Type here:<br /><br /><br />10- City districts:<br />Lay borders for districts and Name them. The districts can be every where.<br />11-Population:<br />Examples:<br />Population: 5,820<br />Region population: 84,057<br />Count population: cost: 10&#036;<br />Count Detailed population: cost: 20&#036;<br />Auto count<br />Auto detailed count<br />Note: you cannot know your population until you do these things.<br /><br />The city抯 huge detail and info.<br />City Opinion polls:<br />Environment:<br />Example:<br />General:<br />77.75 (out of hundred)<br />Details:<br />Air pollution: 76<br />Garbage: 96<br />Water pollution: 54<br />Sound pollution: 85<br />Radiation: No radiation generator <br />Traffic:<br />Example:<br />General:<br />84.66<br />Details:<br />Roads and Other Asphalt ways: 85<br />Bus stops: 73<br />Subway: No Subway<br />Tramway: No Tramway<br />Rails: 96<br />Air traffic: No Airport<br />Water traffic: No seaport<br />Education:<br />Example:<br />General:<br />32.75<br />Details:<br />Kindergartens: 81<br />Elementary schools: 73<br />Junior High school: 29<br />High school: 0<br />Colleges: 0<br />Universities: 0<br />Libraries: 65<br />Museums: 14<br />Health:<br />Example:<br />General:<br />42.66<br />Details:<br />Clinics: 68<br />Hospitals: No hospital<br />Drug stores: 39<br />Special Medical buildings: 21<br />Public Safety:<br />Example:<br />General:<br />72.25<br />Details:<br />Fire: 81 <br />Police: 65<br />Crimes: 98<br />Fires: 45 <br />Land Value:<br />Example:<br />General:<br />62.33<br />Details:<br />Residential: 49<br />Commercials: 65<br />Industrials: 73<br />Governmental: No Governmental<br />International: No International<br /><br />Meet your 30 Helpers:<br />Different from all SimCity games. You can meet 12 Advisors, 12 Representatives and 6 Reporters. Advisors are very useful this time. They give you an advice, not report news in your city. The job of reporting is on reporters. And 12 Representatives from the RCI. These Representatives tell you the problems of the residents and commercials and Industry of the city. You can create, name and choose their house. But a day they will move from their house to governmental house. Now these are 30 People you can meet:<br />1-City planner 2-Finance 3-Utilities 4-Communication 5-Health 6-Education 7-Publicsafety 8-Transportation 9- Environment 10-City Beautification 11-physical education 12-Natural resources<br />1- Poor Resident抯 Representative (&#036;-&#036;&#036;-&#036;&#036;&#036;) 2- Normal resident抯 Representative (&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;) 3- Rich Resident抯 Representative (&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;-&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;) 4- Commercial services Representative 5- Commercial offices Representative 6- Governmental commercial Representative 7-Rich commercial Representative  8-Farm Industry Representative  9-Dirty Industry Representative  10- Manufacture Industry Representative  11- High technology Representative  12- International zones Representative<br />1- Weather forecast reporter 2- Mines and natural resources reporter 3-City life reporter 4-city technology reporter 5- Tourism reporter 6- Disasters reporter<br />Note: Like in SC4, advisors are giving you some tips, for example, your transportation advisor teaches you how to build a cloverleaf&#33;<br />Note: Reporters just report and don抰 tell you to do something.<br />An example:<br />Your city life reporter says: the education is terrible in the city, in the bottom of the page there抯 something written: Check this out with your Advisors: then you can check this news with your all advisors:<br />1- City planner: Education is very important for your city, Sims hate low education. Do something for it.<br />2- Finance: you should have good education in your city, but be careful of the money that education needs<br />3- Utilities: I don抰 care about it, but if you want education, raise the education to a level that they can discover a new energy source&#33;<br />4- Communication: It抯 out of my work, but I think Education is good, at least Sims can learn how to use Telephone&#33;<br />5- Health: Yes, Education is Important, education is the brother of health&#33;<br />6- Education: Education is really Important, Mayor. Build a school, maybe it will work. Kindergarten is nice if you want to start Sim抯 education from childhood. Do not build a high school or college from now.<br />7- Public safety: Education lowers the crime, and reduces the flammability because Sims know what do to reduce flammability.<br />8- Transportation: Do you know what抯 meaning of no education? It means that Sims cannot read the signs, and accidents and ect. I think it抯 time to go to Education advisor and do what he is saying. <br />9- Environment: I don抰 care at all about education, but I don抰 say don抰 have education, maybe teachers teach Sims what pollution is.    <br />10- City beatification: don抰 care at all about education too, but it would be fine if they teach them not to litter every where&#33;<br />11- Physical education: yes it抯 good. Education is important too, but do schools have exercises? <br />12- Natural resources: Sorry, but I don抰 have any Idea. <br /><br /><br />Budget:<br />The budget window of SimCity 4 is great, plus the buildings I added. And about ordinances: all SC3K and 4 Ordinances plus all from 揟he_Dalai_Llama?s wish list抯 ordinances.<br />Data on maps: <br />1- Styles of buildings: Show that which place of your city has modern buildings and where it抯 classical and etc.<br />2- Natural map: Shows that where is forests, mountains, seas, resources and etc. on your map.<br />3- Special Environmental zones: shows the zones like no fishing zone or n littering zone.<br />4- Alarms: Show that where you should place an alarm.<br />5- Traffic: Shows the traffic, you can choose subway, road, rail and etc.<br />6- Zones: Show the zones.<br />7- Natural resources: shows where are them, but only the discovered ones by your natural resources reporter and his group.<br />8- Cell phone: Shows the radius of satellites.<br />9- Gas: Shows where has access to gas and where not and also gas lines and gas buildings. <br />10- Water: Shows where access to gas has and where not and also water pipes with water buildings.<br />11- Power: Shows where is powered and where not and also power lines with plants.<br />12- Telephone: Shows where telephone buildings and lines are.<br />13- Internet: shows which building has access to Internet and which not.<br />14- Garbage: Shows where has garbage and where not.<br />15- Sewage system: Shows the sewage system.<br />16- Fire hazard: Shows the flammability of different buildings and coverage.<br />17- Crime hazard: show where are the crimes and also coverage, the new crimes are: Murder, Terrorist bombing, Terrorist attacks, burglary, Robbery, fraud and breaking the rules of the special zones.<br />18- Education: it shows the degree of education in your houses.<br />19- Health: Shows the health degree of houses and coverage.<br />20- Mayor rating: Shows which house rates you high and which low.<br />21- Desirability: As SimCity 4 shows the desirability for areas of your city.<br />22- Land value: Shows the land values.<br />23- Average age: shows which houses have young Sims and which old and etc.<br />24- Religion: Shows where do Christians or Muslims live and also religious buildings.<br />25- Air pollution: Shows where this kind of pollution has.<br />26- Water pollution: Shows where this kind of pollution has.<br />27- Sound pollution: Shows where this kind of pollution has.<br />28- Buildings toleration: Shows which building can tolerate 6 Richter抯.  <br />29- Complete large map: Shows every thing in your city with their names, a complete realistic map. <br />Exact Data抯:<br />Example: <br />1- Crime rate: 3 robberies- 1 littering in no littering zone<br />2- Fires rate: 2 fires per month<br />3- Population: 25 R&#036;, 154 R&#036;&#036;, 21,257 R&#036;&#036;&#036;, 12,368 R&#036;&#036;&#036;&#036;. 599 Ag, 5,872 DI. 7836 Cs&#036;&#036;&#036;, 54 SVC&#036;.<br />4- Air pollution: As in Climate information.<br />5- Water pollution: 4cc polluted water per liter.<br />6- Power: 251 MW per day.<br />7- Water: 3548 Cu3 per day.<br />8- Gas: 1458 Cu3 per day.<br />9- Internet: 678 MB per day, 158 hours per day.<br />10- Garbage: 18.35 tons garbage per day.<br />11- Telephone: 5489 hours per day, 2482 calls per day, 245 wrong number call. <br />12- Telegraphs: 148 telegraphs per day.<br />13- Religion: 12,514 Christians, 354 Muslims, 14 Buddhism抯, 5 Zoroastrians, 12 other religions. <br />14- Population details: 6874 males, 6548 females, 153 under 1 year old. 858 between 1 and 5 years old, 3579 between 5 and 10 years old. 5926 between 10 and 20 years old, 5747 between 20 and 30 years old. 3897 between 30 and 40 years old. 1245 between 40 and 50 years old. 891 between 60 to 70 years old. 106 between 70 and 80 years old. 28 between 80 and 90 years old, 8 between 90 and 100 years old and 2 more than 100 years old.<br />15- Average commute: 21 minutes<br />16- Mayor rating: 54<br />And all things like city opinion polls and etc. <br />Graph data抯 with history:<br />1- Styles of buildings<br />2- Traffic<br />3- Zones<br />4- Natural resources<br />5- Gas<br />6- Water<br />7- Power <br />8- Telephone <br />9- Internet <br />10- Garbage <br />11- Sewage system<br />12- Fire <br />13- Crime <br />14- Education<br />15- Health <br />16- Mayor rating <br />17-   Land value <br />18- age<br />19- Religion<br />20- Air pollution<br />21- Water pollution<br />22- Sound pollution<br />23- Buildings toleration <br />History of the city:<br />Shows which building build in which date and the history of the city. The disasters and etc.<br /><br />News:<br />1- Newspapers: Just newspapers, they really help you. If a newspaper complains badly about you, you can stop or censor them&#33; If you a
发表于 2003-10-23 20:16 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2003-10-23 20:40 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2003-10-23 20:51 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2003-10-23 23:39 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2003-10-24 01:51 | 显示全部楼层


我知道sc4是世界上最好的游戏,是的,是最好的游戏。我很喜欢这款游戏,可是我现在已经在幻想sc5的美丽图景了。<br />注:<br /><br /><br />天神模式工具:<br />1.地形生成器:<br />1)抬高地表:<br />山类:<br />    山;<br />    火山(活火山或死火山)。<br />    带山洞的山<br />    带水溶洞的山<br />丘陵类:<br />    险峻的山丘;<br />    普通的山丘。<br />方山类(顶部平的那种)<br />    大方山;<br />    普通方山<br />悬崖和礁石:<br />    岩石悬崖;<br />    海洋中的珊瑚礁及岛屿<br />2)降低地表:<br />水(可选咸水或淡水)<br />矿泉水湖(不懂了)<br />沼泽地<br />湿地<br />小溪<br />大河(船只能在这种河中航行)<br />河<br />湖<br />瀑布<br />山谷:<br />    普通山谷<br />    陡峭山谷<br />    小山谷<br />注:游客喜欢山洞,尤其是水溶洞。<br /><br /><br />2.生动的世界<br />森林、植物<br />    森林和丛林<br />    橡树林<br />    枫树林<br />    松树林<br />    棕榈树林(棕榈树会生长在干热的沙漠)<br />    果树<br />植物<br />    花<br />    蔬菜植物<br />    不带水果或蔬菜的植物<br />地表<br />    冰地<br />    草地<br />    雪地<br />    沙漠<br />    平原<br />动物<br />    林地动物和马<br />    哺乳动物:野生、家养<br />    企鹅<br />    爬虫<br />    鲸<br />    鲨鱼<br />    鸟<br />    鱼<br />注:不同的动物需要不同的地域,比如你不能在沙漠创造企鹅或在沼泽创造鲨鱼。<br /><br />3.天气<br />干热<br />干冷<br />湿热<br />湿冷<br />注:你只能选择1-2种<br /><br />4.自然资源<br />油气井:<br />石油井<br />大油井<br />气井<br />大气井<br />矿藏:<br />矿水<br />煤矿<br />金矿<br />钻石矿<br />绿宝石矿<br />红宝石矿<br />贵石矿<br />翡翠矿<br />注:为了得到更为真实的游戏,你只能放置一个或两个这样的资源,因为他们在你的国家中扮演重要的角色,他们带来钱。如果你有个大煤矿,你可以建一个燃煤发电厂,一旦你放置了这个煤矿,你就不可能见到油田或金矿,当你是市长时,它有它的作用。<br /><br /><br />好无聊,不翻了,写得不怎么样,没有什么独到的见解,偶要困觉了。
发表于 2003-10-24 07:10 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2003-10-24 09:02 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-6-29 23:32 | 显示全部楼层


<br>1 地形引擎:
<br>1-1-1-1火山: 包括火山和死火山。
<br>2 生态和陆地工具:
<br>3 天气类:
<br>4 自然资源类:
<br>5 风类:
<br>6 季节:
<br>8 灾难:
<br>8-1 火山爆发(只有有火山才能启用)
<br>9 白天和晚上控制:
<br>10 删除城市:
发表于 2005-6-29 23:37 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-6-30 01:14 | 显示全部楼层


to selfboy:
发表于 2005-7-4 12:24 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-8-23 23:06 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-8-28 08:46 | 显示全部楼层


看不懂哎,同样希望5早点出来 <img src='images/smiles/h23.gif' smilietext=':h23:' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt=':h23:' /><!--editpost--><br><br><br><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 fan000 在 2005-08-28 08:47 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->
发表于 2005-10-15 05:12 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-15 13:04 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-16 15:24 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-17 10:24 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-30 17:33 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-30 17:39 | 显示全部楼层


十分期待sc5  我举双手支持把资源融入游戏
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