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[国外城市] NHP England Map Pak 3

发表于 2009-1-27 20:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
NHP England Map Pak 3 By blade2k5 & Papab2000

Map Details and Information

This third Pak from England features the two maps of Brighton-Worthing and Plymouth. More details and info can be found in my Map thread here http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=4294.msg217633;boardseen#new

Map Specifics

Map Type: Real World

Region map size: Brighton-Worthing is configured for 63 large city tiles and is 9x7 large tiles in size.
Plymouth is configured for 56 large city tiles and is 7x8 large tiles in size.

config.bmp size: included with zip file

Dependencies: Either SC4 Mapper or SC4 Terraformer for importing.

Maps were created by taking international DEM data and converting the data through a series of processes to a 16bit grayscale png.

Installing the Map

To install SC4M map file:
1. If you don't already have SC4Mapper, download it here and follow the install instructions.
2. Unzip this file.
3. Run SC4Mapper, click on 'create region'
4. Choose SC4M
5. Browse to the unzipped folder and point the map file .SC4M
6. Click on 'Save Region' and name it, and Quit SC4Mapper
7. Run SC4 and load the new region. The colors of the region in SC4 will be the same colors as SC4Mapper until you enter and save each city tile. But you have the choice to do it as you go and not right away.

1. Create a new region folder in your Plugins\Region
2. Copy my config.bmp into the folder and overwrite the old one. (make changes to config.bmp file now if you want)
3. Open the new region you just created with SC4 Terraformer
4. Click on Import Image in the Global Tools Menu and browse for my SC4M file.
5. When file is imported click File - Save (the region is now saved to SC4
6. The colors of the region in SC4 will be the same colors as SC4TF until you enter and save each city tile. But you have the choice to do it as you go and not right away.
Start opening tiles!

Any comments and feedback welcomed. Thanks for looking and enjoy.

blade2k5 - Original map creation, DEM Conversion, scaling, importing. SC4TF modification.
papab2000 - Original map creation, DEM Conversion, scaling, importing. SC4TF modification.


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