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发表于 2008-2-23 13:17
原帖由 注册个号难 于 2008-2-22 21:40 发表
这得啥配置啊 我AMD4800+ GF8500GT 512显存 2G内存是不是也得换啦
Some of you may be quite scared about what they read so far: "oh my god! this will never run on my home PC!!!"
You shouldn't really. We’re also putting a lot of attention into making a 3d engine that still allows lower-range PCs to run the game. You may not have al the great graphic options fully on but still get great visuals, better for example than what we had in City Life.(你可以不必开起全部高级图形选项,但仍可得到相当好的视觉效果,举一个最好的例子,就像我们玩城市生活一样)
LOD (or Level of Detail)(普遍的常用3d技术) techniques are generally used in 3d games to present 3d models at different distances or levels of detail. You could have for instance a character game made of 2000 triangles for close ups and 500 triangles when the camera is far away and therefore displaying many characters.
In our case, we implemented a CLOD (Continuous Level Of Detail) (次款游戏新开发的3d引擎技术)technique for the terrain.It allows us to smoothly vary the number of triangles used to render the terrain depending on the power of the graphics card and the distance between the camera and the landscape. This prevents the terrain from having that nasty plopping effect you see in games when the level of detail models used change.
[ 本帖最后由 donic2005 于 2008-2-23 14:18 编辑 ] |