本帖最后由 375支线 于 2014-11-15 14:55 编辑
我们惊喜地宣布特大城市将要归来!新版游戏将包含全新内容,超以往任何版本。现在隆重介绍:特特大城市 Cities XXL!
We're thrilled to announced the return of the world's largest city builder, filled to the brim with new features allowing you to expand the scope of the game further than any Cities XL game before it. Introducing: Cities XXL!
Create and manage enormous cities on the latest version of the 'Cities' engine with multi-core support. With a smooth FPS no matter the size and complexity, there are no longer any limits on the richness and diversity of your sprawling metropolis. New features, buildings, and other details will be revealed over the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
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