才刚玩sim4,也下载了不少楼房插件,但是有个问题:下载了一些在贴子中无具体说明,下载来的压缩包里说明也是英文:YOU MUST PLACE THE FOLLOWING FILE
My Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins\bsc_Essentials_OG.dat
It is absolutely critical that you do this.
It needs to be placed in one location so that future
installers or updates issued by the BSC, SimGoober,
Vlakhaas, Pegasus, etc. can be applied to the file
without duplicating it in your plugins folder, which
can tremendously slow down gameplay.
Also, you are advised to keep only one copy of the file
"NDEX Global Essentials.dat" in your plugins folder at
a time. Overwriting it each time you download a new
NDEX lot is advised to make sure it stays up-to-date.
If you are re-downloading an updated version of a lot,
you must delete all old versions of the associated lot
(particularly the old query file) before installing the
newer version. Not doing so results in wasted RAM and
the potential for crashing.
要如何知道这些建筑的占地大小?人口容量?教程也看不了少,什么LVread也下载了,打开了看下,看不懂啊。 |