最近在下Deadwoods的Raised Park系列(05、06年的古董貨,莫嘲笑- -......),發現有個“BSC Raised Park Series - PROPS
by deadwoods”,從相關說明文字來看,Deadwoods製作這個Props Pack的主要目的在於方便其他人用LE再創作,而且也說明這個Pack沒有Model和Lot文件(原文:Note that it does not contain the models...There are no lots in this set. It is merely a prop pack for building other lots),只包括了Raised Park系列的所有Prop exemplars(看了下,文件包裡都是“XXXX_props”方式命名的.dat文件)。對於這些Prop、Model、Desc之間的對應關係,也有表格列明——To use these props you will need both the model files (already shipped with the various Raised Park sets) and the prop descriptions (see table below). The following table shows the relationship between the sets, the model files and the prop files.