1.sizes be patched in for free of charge or is it likely it'll be treated as paid for add-ons?
-> Sorry, I don't know.
2.In the final version there will be improvements to the AI of the emergency vehicles (police patrol, fire trucks) and buses?
->Just bug fixes, nothing fundamental.
3.Did we see the final graphics in Beta or were they unpolished? Any news on larger regions
->Aside from bug fixes (road intersections, etc.) the graphics are final.
4.is there any chance that city sizes will be larger than in the beta when the game ships?
->No, at ship time, the cities will be 2k x 2k.
基本上就是bug fix了,图像不会改进了,AI寻址也不会变了,至于大家关心的地图大小问题,明确说了,城市size就是2k x 2k,谁知道这个2k x 2k 是多大?
[ 本帖最后由 yunhaid 于 2013-2-1 09:09 编辑 ] |