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[游戏问题] 2012世界性难题求解

匿名  发表于 2011-11-5 11:35 |阅读模式
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-5 13:31 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-5 17:45 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-7 00:06 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-7 00:27 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-7 13:12 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-8 09:09 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-8 09:20 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-8 09:23 | 显示全部楼层
现实的公路MOD(RHM)是一个综合性城市加大公路建设的新途径。 Cudos to its autor, Pitty .它的作者,Pitty Cudos。

The RHM allows you to build one-way highways ranging from one to five lanes, with respective differences in capacity. RHM允许你建立单向公路一至五个车道,在各自的能力差异,。 It also adds the ability to build custom on/off ramps for easy connections with the rest of the road network.它也增加了能力的基础上与其他道路网络轻松地连接/关闭坡道定制。

Download the mod here . 这里下载的MOD 。 The information and pictures in this article are borrowed from the article of Ohadi 195 in XLNation, and edited by Soltan Gris.在这篇文章中的信息和图片都是借来的Ohadi 195 XLNation文章,并编辑索乌坦格里斯。 Enjoy!享受
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-8 09:23 | 显示全部楼层

■The 2 Lane highway has a capacity of 110 and costs 75c, 2车道的高速公路有110的容量和成本75C,
■3 lane highway has a capacity of 170 and costs 100, 3车道的高速公路有170的容量和成本100,
■4 lane highway carries 200 and costs 150, 4车道的高速公路进行200成本150,
■5 lanes carry 230 and costs 200. 5车道进行230费用200。
On all of them the speed limit is the same as of the original game highways.他们的车速限制是作为原游戏公路一样。 Please notice that the guardrail should be to your left when you drive the highway.请注意,护栏应在你的左边,当你开车在高速公路。 Try to use one method of paving (from upside down or the opposite) so you won't get confused.尝试使用一种方法铺路(倒挂或相反),所以你不会感到困惑。

There is a one-lane highway that serves as the basic on/off ramp, although you could also use two lane highway for this purpose.有一个车道的高速公路/关斜坡上的基本服务,虽然你也可以用于此目的的两个车道的高速公路。 There are also bridges/tunnel tools which are not on the highway menu but at the road one under bridge function.也有桥梁/隧道的工具,这是在高速公路上的菜单,而是在道路桥梁作用下之一。

Finally, note that the RHM highways cannot be used for City-Links!最后,请注意,RHM公路不能用于城市链接! You have to switch to the normal highway for that purpose, and there is a handy connector piece included that allows easy connection.你必须为此目的切换到正常的公路,并有一个方便的连接件包括可以轻松连接。

It is possible to smoothly change the N of lanes, without interrupting the traffic - this is also the way to attach on/off ramps.它可以在不中断交通的情况下顺利改变车道的氮, - 这也是附加开/关坡道的方式。 You can also split a highway in two thanks to the innovative connection system, used by the mod.您也可以分割在两个感谢的高速公路,以创新的连接系统,国防部使用。 You can connect directly the end of each highway to normal roads (unlike the original highway); but note that it still doesn't allow your buildings road access!您可以直接连接每个正常道路(与原公路)公路,但要注意,它仍然不允许建筑物的通路! Connecting in this way, however, will produce junctions, and resulting traffic problems, whereas the internal highway connections, lane changes and on/off ramps connections don't produce junctions and allow free traffic continuity.然而,以这种方式连接,将产生的路口,以及由此产生的交通问题,而内部的高速公路连接,变线和开/关坡道连接不产生路口,并允许自由的交通连续性。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-8 09:24 | 显示全部楼层
2.two lanes highway (no guardrail) / integration way.两车道公路(无护栏)/集成方式。
3.two lanes Highway (including left shoulder, no guardrail).两车道公路(包括左肩,没有护栏)。
4.two lanes highway (guardrail).两车道公路(护栏)。
5.two to one lane tool.二对一巷的工具。
6.two lanes highway (different markings).两车道公路(不同的标记)。
7.one to two lanes tool.一到两个车道的工具。
8.three lanes highway (including one integration lane).三车道公路(包括一个集成巷)。
9.three lanes highway.三车道高速公路。
10.three to two lanes tool.三,两车道的工具。
11.two to three lanes tool.两到三个车道的工具。
12.four lanes highway (including one integration lane).四车道高速公路(包括一个集成巷)。
13.four lanes highway (dual two lanes integration way).四车道高速公路(双程行车的集成方式)。
14.four lanes highway.四车道高速公路。
15.three to four lanes tool.三至四个车道的工具。
16.four to three lanes tool.四为三线的工具。
17.five lanes highway. 5车道高速公路。
18.four to five lanes tool.四,五泳道工具。
19.five to four lanes tool.五,四车道的工具。
Beside the basic tools, which appear visually on our screens, the RHM uses a set of invisible connector pieces to govern traffic without junctions.除了基本的工具,直观地出现在我们的屏幕,RHM使用了一套无形的连接器件,执政无路口的交通。 They allow direction of traffic and addition or subtraction of lanes.他们让交通和加法或减法车道的方向。

And here are the basic Connectors of RHM:在这里,RHM的基本连接:
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-8 09:24 | 显示全部楼层
的方向是不言自明。 Tool N 19 is a connector of 3 lanes X 2 to the in-game Highway for those who wants to use the in-game Highway as well.工具N 19是3车道× 2连接器,为那些希望使用游戏中的高速公路以及在游戏中的高速公路。 All these connectors are crucial for the functionality of the mod and they give us great flexibility and basically will help us create what ever comes in our minds.所有这些连接器MOD的功能是至关重要的,他们给我们很大的灵活性,基本上将帮助我们创造什么都在我们的脑海中。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-8 09:25 | 显示全部楼层
教程  Edit 编辑 The RHM uses a combination of the normal construction method of CXL (point to point dragging and confirming) with a method combining the various Highway tools with the help of the invisible connector pieces (appearing on the screen as small arrows). RHM使用的CXL正常的施工方法与无形连接件(小箭头屏幕上出现)的帮助下,结合各公路工具方法(点对点拖动和确认)的组合。 Each of the main highway roads (N 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17 in pic 1) can connect via the transition tools (N 5, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19 in pic 1) to on/off ramps (N 1 in pic1), or to each other.每个人都可以通过转换工具连接的主要公路的道路(N 2,3,4,6,8,9,12,13,14,17日在PIC 1)(N 5,7,10,11,15,16 ,18,19 PIC 1)开/关的坡道(N在PIC1 1),或给对方。 For every transition you must use the relevant connectors, that you have to attach to the END of the highway (you can't place a connector in the middle of a stretch of highway).对于每一个过渡,你必须使用相关的连接器,你必须重视公路尾端(你不能把一个中间伸展的公路连接器)。 Each piece will snap to the others, if it is used correctly.每件将捕捉到的其他的,如果它是正确使用。 If the piece doesn't snap - there's a problem.如果这块不捕捉 - 有一个问题。

For example if we would like to split a 4 lane Highway into two highways of 2 lanes each - then we would use the #12 connector (pic 2).例如,如果我们想分成两个各2车道的高速公路4车道的高速公路 - 然后我们将使用#12连接器(PIC)。

Splitting one lane in two 在两个分裂一条车道  Edit 编辑
Let's make one lane into two (yellow numbers show tools from pic 1, red ones - connectors from pic 2):让我们一分为二车道(从PIC 1,红色的黄色数字显示的工具 - 连接器从PIC 2):
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-8 09:26 | 显示全部楼层
请记住连接器将被标记为道路上的箭头,将基本功能如建筑物:这意味着你不能看到他们的任何车,他们将略有提高(见右边绿色的草地上补丁)。 You want the connectors to snap into the road tool, pointing in the same direction as the flow of traffic.您想要连接器卡入路的工具,在指向同一个方向的流量。 Only the connector associated with your choice of road will snap to the road, others simply won't snap...只有与您选择的道路相关的连接器将捕捉到的道路,别人根本不会单元... don't worry, you will feel it.不用担心,你会感受到这一点。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-8 09:26 | 显示全部楼层
Splitting/merging 户/合并  Edit 编辑
Another example of splitting/merging two and three lanes.分裂/合并两和三线的另一个例子。 this method suits a 2-lanes Highway这种方法适合2车道的高速公路

  Added by Soltan gris1新增索乌坦gris1

Large highways splitting 分裂大公路  Edit 编辑
Here is an example of 3 to 5 lanes paving:下面是一个3至5铺路车道的例子:

  Added by Soltan gris1新增索乌坦gris1

Note how the highway tools are always used in conjunction with the connector pieces.请注意如何在高速公路工具总是与连接件的配合使用。

This method can be used when we want to pave a 2-lane integration way instead of the simple one-lane on/off ramp.当我们要作好准备,而不是简单的开/关斜坡车道2车道的整合方式,可以使用这种方法。 It's great for when you build a 3 or 4 lane highway which has bigger car capacities, and therefore ramps need to be bigger, to allow for the increased traffic.这是伟大的,当你建立一个3或4车道的高速公路有更大的汽车的能力,因此坡道需要更大,允许增加的交通流量。 You can see the expanding process from 3 to 5 lanes, and then the splitting of it into the integration way (could be used as a ramp) and the highway (traffic won't get interrupted by exiting vehicles).你可以看到从3到5车道壮大的过程中,然后它分裂成一体化的方式(可作为一个斜坡)和公路(不会得到交通中断退出车辆)。

Checking functionality 检查功能  Edit 编辑
Don't forget to check if your system is CONNECTED and fuctional!!不要忘记检查,如果您的系统连接和fuctional! This could be done by setting it up as a bus line, to see if the circuit is completed.这可以通过设置它作为一条公交线路,如果电路完成。 If it is not then you will want to check where it gets stuck, and fix the connection.如果不是,那么你将要检查的地方被卡住,并修复连接。

Examples of highway interchanges 公路交汇处的例子  Edit 编辑 Here are more complex interchanges and ramps that could be built by this mod.这里有更复杂的交汇处,这个mod可以通过内置的坡道。 It may take some time but it's great!它可能需要一些时间,但它的伟大!

Simple Highway access 简单的高速公路出入口  Edit 编辑
Highway over road: very simple and easy.在路面的公路:非常简单和容易。 you can make it small/large with one/two integration roads.你可以使小/大/一体化的道路。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-9 23:28 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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