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[使用问题] 这个Maxis Extra Cheats是干什么用的?

发表于 2011-2-10 18:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这个Maxis Extra Cheats是干什么用的?
发表于 2011-2-10 18:55 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-10 19:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-2-10 19:16 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-10 19:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-2-11 21:07 | 显示全部楼层

Adv               Unknown(不明)  
Barstuck          Unknown(不明)
BuildingPlop      opens window where you can select every building in the game for plopping, nice as plop cheat or for testing BATs(开启一个窗格,在这个窗格里面你可以选择需要扑通的建筑物)  
Casper           ghosts appear on the cemetery lots(在坟场里面出现鬼魂)  
Controllers       unknown(不明)
CreateException   crashes the game immediately (caution!) (注意!这会让你跳出游戏)
DollyLlama       changes the faces of the advisors to llamas (把顾问变成动物)  
DrawPaths         shows automata paths on network items, useful for NAM debugging (显示道路上面的交通网路分布,适合研究NAM用)
Effect           Unknown(不明)
FPS [number]      sets the frames per second, the game will get as close to the number as possible (设置显示频率,系统会尽量达到此频率)
FightThePower     the city doesn't need power anymore (您的城市将不再需要能源供应)
off]   Hides all the flora in the city   (城市里面不会显示植物)
ForceIdle         unknown, maybe for letting the game running in idle mode?   (不明,也许会让游戏在空闲内存里面运行?)
GOL               game of life, green splotches appear and "dance" in your city (probably a graphics performance test)(绿色的污点会出现,并且在城市里面跳舞??!?)  
GP                Unknown(不明)  
HeapCheck         Unknown(不明)  
HelloMyNameIs "[name]"       changes the Mayor's name(修改市长的名字)
HidePaths         disable paths that have been activated by "DrawPaths" cheat(如果您使用了“DrawPaths”密码后,使用此密码复原)  
HowDryIAm         the city doesn't need any water anymore(城市不再需要水源供给了)  
LotPlop           opens window for selecting every lot individually (similar to "BuildingPlop") (开启一个窗格让您选择可以扑通的lot,类似于“BuildingPlop”)
Moolah [number]   sets the current budget to the value you entered, easier than any other money cheat (going over ~a trillion will cause bankrupcy   (输入一个数字以改变您的预算,比其他的金钱密码更好用,但输入超过一万亿的~做好破产准备吧~)
NoCSI             unknown, apparently crime-related (不明,但显然与犯罪有关)
PlopAllBuildings      automatically plops all buildings in your city (caution, very resource intensive!) (自动地在您的城市扑通一些plops,但会耗费大量系统资源!)
PlopAllLots           automatically plops all lots in your city (caution, very resource intensive!) (自动地在您的城市扑通所有lot,注意类似于PlopAllBuildings)
RP                    Unknown (possibly the same as "RenderProp") (不明,可能和“RenderProp”是同一个的~)
Recorder              opens recorder window for capturing an image sequence, you can compile a movie or animation with those screenshots   (开启一个窗口让你拾取城市的截屏或影像~这下不用再弄Fraps啦~)
1] [true|false]       Activates/deactivates a prop or changes a property value   (启用/停用一个改变钱的东西?)
RiskyMoney            Adds §10000 to the treasury, or a 1 in 8 chance of causing an earthquake   (为您的预算增加10000SB,但也有几率导致一场地震)
SimDate [value]       changes the in-game date to the value you entered, this is useful for testing seasonal props   (改变您的游戏里面的时间,可用来测试类似四季树的prop)
SizeOf [value]        zooms the game to the value you entered, this allows "fractions" of zoom levels which might reveal more details (not limited to 1-5, can go up to 255 however this is pointless as you can only see a couple of pixels)   (可以让您的游戏中的视角放大到255倍……当然,这是毫无价值的,因为游戏中的模型质素显然不够高,您只能看到一堆像素条~有能力搞出255倍HD的除外~)
Snow                  snow appears on the mountains (like with the Christmas easteregg)   (山顶上会有积雪~就像圣诞节的彩蛋)
Stopwatch             apparently stops the internal clock (停止游戏内的时钟~)
TastyZots             hides the zots for "no road access", "no water" etc.   (隐藏大头标签的东西~如果您觉得那些公文包和水滴太烦人~)
TerrainQuery          adds coordinate values (X,Y,Z)to the cursor (显示坐标值~可以看到海拔高度了……)
Tutorial              unknown, apparently tutorial-related (不清楚,应该和Tutorial……就是那个廷巴克图的有关)
WatchMeMove (arguments unknown)       allows you to calibrate various things about My Sims (arguments unknown) (允许你校准大量有关那些模拟市民的东西……不明白是什么来的~)
WeaknessPays          adds §1000 to your city coffers   (这个就不解释了)
whattimeizit [number]   changes the in-game clock to the value you entered, this is useful for testing timed props (改变游戏中的时钟,可以用来测试与时间有关的prop~话说有这种prop吗?)
WhereRUFrom             changes the name of your city   (改变城市名)
You don't deserve it    unlocks all rewards, use this either as cheat or for testing the visual appearance of reward lots (解锁所有奖励建筑物)
Zoneria                 hides undeveloped zones(makes them colourless), this is useful if you have undeveloped zones, but don't want to show them in your major diary   (隐藏未开发地区,如果您看着那些空格子很不爽的话~)
csitrigger              unknown, apparently crime-related   (又是一个和犯罪有关的不明密码)
toll                  Lets you plop a square (presumably a toll booth) on to any network, effect of which is unknown (允许你在任何交通部件上扑通一个广场,效果未知,也许类似于收费站)
udriveit               allows you to click any automata (vehicle) on the screen at the time the cheat is entered and you can then drive it around the city in UDI mode   (允许你选择任何一个出现在画面上的交通工具,然后驾驶它)
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