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[攻略心得] 有谁可以翻一翻?

发表于 2010-5-1 21:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Well, it has been a very long time since I have contributed anything here to simtropolis, but rest assured I am here quite often looking up what's new on the site!  At any rate, I have come back lately b/c of Cities XL and I have noticed a bunch of members are having troubles just like they were when SC4 first came out.  I have been doing lots of experimenting with the game and learning a lot as I go.  Had everything from a city that went broke at 50k to a city that has crested 1 million citizens.  (No Grids!!!)  As a result, I thought I would share a few things that have really helped make a difference in the game for me.

Making Money:
I hear lots of people having trouble with this, and rightfully so!  Cities XL uses a completely different system from SC.  I am not going to get too complex into this system, but I will give you some of the major points to be aware of instead.
A - Perhaps the most overlooked/misunderstood part of the game is the freight and passengers area.  This is CRUCIAL to your city.  Offices DEMAND you have passengers in order for them to make profit.  The same goes for retail and business hotels.  Any industry DEMANDS you have freight to make a profit.  (This excludes farms, but not silos!)
You can get an overlay of the passenger and freight flow in your city by clicking on the economic overlay, then passengers or freight.
B - Both passengers and freight are influenced by your inter-city connections.  This means anything from roads to expressways to highways to airports and seaports will boost your freight and passenger levels.
If you put your offices and business hotels on a section of road that has a green passenger rating, the office or hotel will make maximum income. (Or near it)
C- One common misconception is that business hotels must be next to your offices.  Let me tell you now this is NOT THE CASE!  I have had business hotels on the opposite end of the map from my offices making 100% income.  The only thing that matters is that you have the hotels, and that they are placed on green passenger areas.  Also, I found the high-tech hotel to be the most profitable.
Using these simple rules, you can easily make the income in your city much higher than it was before.

Inter-City Links:
A - Each board edge allows multiple city links to be made.
B - You can make one for different types of road - IE- You can make an expressway link, and right next to it a highway link.  Since they are different types of roads, you can have more than one right next to one another. (Can only be done with a road and a fast lane.  IE - A simple road and a highway.  An expressway and a highway.  It is not possible to do a road and an avenue for example, or an expressway and an avenue.)  An easy way to find out if you are able to put another link is to select the type of road you wish to use, then look at the edge of the map.  Anywhere you see purple you may build a link.
C - If you want to maximize links, place them as close to the edge of the purple (close to the other existing links) as possible.
D - The only limit on how many you may have of the same type is the number of them you can stack on the edge of the map.  Each new link will add more passengers and freight.
E - Keep in mind that the bigger the road, the more passengers/freight it will carry.  The bigger roads cost more to maintain so be sure you use only what you really need.  IE - Simple roads are fairly inexpensive to connect, but a highway will cost you 100k each turn to keep.

City Buildings/City Services:
I hear lots of people complaining about how their city has horrible education levels, or leisure levels.  Just recently I have been able to turn this around, and even though I am not 100% certain this will work for everyone yet, I can say this has worked for me.
A - What I have done is decided to lower the number of facilities I use, and place them more strategicly.  I have been placing the city buildings like schools, fire, police, leisure, etc right next to the elites and executives.  It does not seem to matter to the qualified and unqualified workers how far they have to drive to get to a school for example, as long as they have one.  The execs and elites seem to be a bit more picky.  If you place these services next to them, you need less of them, and they seem to be happy with them.
B - I always build the most expensive leisure I can.  The best by far I have found is the rotating resturant, but you don't get that until much later unless you have expert mode turned on.  That said, I had a bowling alley providing enough leisure for a city of over 50k.  Currently I have 4 leisure buildings in my city and it's providing enough for almost 400k citizens.
C - When you place a building that provides a city service, be sure to place that building on a major road, or as close to a major road as possible.  It does seem that access to the facilities makes a large difference, so keep this in mind when placing!
D - One other thing I have found is if you place the city service buildings BEFORE you place the zones for residential, when a residence is built it starts off with a green rating on the services.  If you build the services AFTER you place residential zones, the residents will need to take some time to get the full benefit of the service.  As a result, try to plan out your zones before placing them and put the services down first.


Lots of cities have issues with their upkeep.  (The cost per "turn" for your city expenses.)  Using the above mentioned system you can cut down on your need for city services, but that doesn't necessarily help with overall money flow.  To help keep your upkeep low, don't be afraid of using the trade system!  Lots of players will sell utilities for CHEAPER than you can produce them!!  How is that even possible!?!?
A - Well, it's possible due to some of the buildings you get after your population unlocks them.  These include special buildings like refineries, silos, and waste incinerators. (Buildings specific to a certain utility and unlocked in the utility section.)  There are also special office type buildings you get later on that boost production of each industry by 35%.  As a result, players with larger cities are able to produce more using less money.  BE SURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS!  If you can get fuel for 35C instead of the 50C it would cost in just upkeep alone, you already saved 1,500 bucks each "turn".  That doesn't even count what you saved in not having to build the zone, not to mention the extra pollution, traffic, etc it causes.
B - Check out this post by Nezroy for more info about trading.  It's called the "Resource and Trading Guide - Just the Basics" post.  It has some useful information in it!

Lots of people seem to be having issues with retail.  I have found (somewhat of) a solution to this.  
A - When you place retail, be sure to place it next to elites/executives only.
B - Do not over populate with retail or all of your retail will be in trouble.
C - I use ONLY single plots for retail, and I try to scatter them a little bit.  That said, you don't need much.
I recently started a new city on expert mode.  I have 4 high-density retail plots in the city, and the city is around 400k population.  The people do not really complain that much about retail, and most of the city is dark green with only the elites in light green.

Bridges and Tunnels:
These can be tricky, as many times you will get a message saying it's an invalid connection - or something to that effect.  I have found a way to get around this issue.
A - What I do is build the tunnel or bridge how I like it.  I place the bridge/tunnel, and then extend the road on flat ground out just a little past the end of the bridge/tunnel.
B - I then use a dirt road to "cut" across the bridge/tunnel road.
C - Next I delete the road that extends past the dirt road, leaving the tunnel/bridge, the short extend out from it, and the dirt road.  You are now able to place a normal road to the bridge/tunnel road without having any connection issues.
D - After placing the road, simply delete the dirt road to finish your project.
E -
Also, keep in mind the bridge/tunnel tool costs more upkeep than the road tool.  Be sure to replace any bridge/tunnel sections of road that are on flat ground and not needed with regular roads using the process described above.

Using these tactics/strategies, you should be able to be much better off in your city.  Any time you need more money, just build more offices or industry and back it up with some residentials.  Be sure to place your buildings wisely, and get the most out of them!!

As I think of more stuff I will come back and update this page.  I will also come back and look for comments/questions.  I probably can't answer them all, but can answer quite a few of them, or at least try my best to.
发表于 2010-5-1 23:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-1 23:21 | 显示全部楼层

Making Money: 赚钱:
I hear lots of people having trouble with this, and rightfully so!  Cities XL uses a completely different system from SC.  I am not going to get too complex into this system, but I will give you some of the major points to be aware of instead. 我听到很多人有与麻烦,是理所当然的!城市XL使用不同的系统完全由资深大律师。我不会得到这个系统过于复杂到,但我会给你点一些需要注意的主要代替。
A - Perhaps the most overlooked/misunderstood part of the game is the freight and passengers area.  This is CRUCIAL to your city.  Offices DEMAND you have passengers in order for them to make profit.  The same goes for retail and business hotels.  Any industry DEMANDS you have freight to make a profit.  (This excludes farms, but not silos!) 阿-也许最容易被忽视/误解的游戏的一部分,是货运和客运方面。这对你的城市。写字楼需求你为了他们的乘客在赚钱。同样的问题也为零售和商务酒店。任何行业要求您有货运赚钱。(这不包括农场,但没有筒仓!)
You can get an overlay of the passenger and freight flow in your city by clicking on the economic overlay, then passengers or freight. 您可以通过点击货运重叠或经济,然后乘客覆盖了客运和货运流量在您的城市。
B - Both passengers and freight are influenced by your inter-city connections.  This means anything from roads to expressways to highways to airports and seaports will boost your freight and passenger levels. 乙-客运和货运的影响,你的城市间的连接。道路,这意味着任何从高速公路到公路,机场和港口将增加您的货运和客运的水平。
If you put your offices and business hotels on a section of road that has a green passenger rating, the office or hotel will make maximum income. 如果你把酒店能够让您的办公室,最高收入的酒店和商业上的一段道路,有一个绿色的旅客评价,办公室或。 (Or near it) (或接近它)
C- One common misconception is that business hotels must be next to your offices.  Let me tell you now this is NOT THE CASE!  I have had business hotels on the opposite end of the map from my offices making 100% income.  The only thing that matters is that you have the hotels, and that they are placed on green passenger areas.  Also, I found the high-tech hotel to be the most profitable. 架C -一种常见的误解是,企业必须在酒店旁边的办公室。让我告诉你,现在这不是事实,我有地图商务酒店结束对从我办公室对面作出100%的收入。唯一说重要的是你有酒店,他们是地方放置绿色的乘客。此外,我找到了高科技的酒店是最有利可图的。
Using these simple rules, you can easily make the income in your city much higher than it was before. 使用这些简单的规则,你可以轻松地在你的城市的收入高得多的比以前。

Inter-City Links: 城际链接:
A - Each board edge allows multiple city links to be made. 阿-每板边缘允许多个城市通航,以作出。
B - You can make one for different types of road - IE- You can make an expressway link, and right next to it a highway link.  Since they are different types of roads, you can have more than one right next to one another. 乙-您可以使道路的不同类型-也就是说,你可以在高速公路的联系,它旁边的高速公路连接。由于他们是不同类型的道路,你可以有一个以上的旁边的位置。 (Can only be done with a road and a fast lane.  IE - A simple road and a highway.  An expressway and a highway.  It is not possible to do a road and an avenue for example, or an expressway and an avenue.)  An easy way to find out if you are able to put another link is to select the type of road you wish to use, then look at the edge of the map.  Anywhere you see purple you may build a link. (只能用做道路和快车道。IE浏览器-一个简单的道路和高速公路。快速公路和高速公路。这是不可能做到的道路和途径的一个例子,或高速公路和途径。)一种简单的方法找到你是否能够把另一个环节是选择的道路类型要使用,然后看地图edge的的。任何地方你看到你可能会建立一个紫色的联系。
C - If you want to maximize links, place them as close to the edge of the purple (close to the other existing links) as possible. ç -如果你想最大限度地联系,把它们作为可能接近边缘的紫色(靠近现有的其他环节)的。
D - The only limit on how many you may have of the same type is the number of them you can stack on the edge of the map.  Each new link will add more passengers and freight. D -该只限制多少你可以有相同的类型是有多少你可以在地图上叠加的边缘。每一个新的链接将增加更多的乘客和货物。
E - Keep in mind that the bigger the road, the more passengers/freight it will carry.  The bigger roads cost more to maintain so be sure you use only what you really need.  IE - Simple roads are fairly inexpensive to connect, but a highway will cost you 100k each turn to keep. é -请记住,在更大的道路,更多的乘客/货物会进行。较大道路维护成本较高,因此要确认你只使用你真正需要什么。IE浏览器-简单的道路是相当便宜的连接,但一公路将花费你10万每回合不断。

City Buildings/City Services: 城市建筑/城市服务:
I hear lots of people complaining about how their city has horrible education levels, or leisure levels.  Just recently I have been able to turn this around, and even though I am not 100% certain this will work for everyone yet, I can say this has worked for me. 我听到很多人抱怨层次的城市有多么可怕的教育水平,或休闲。前些日子我已经能够扭转这个局面,尽管我不是100%肯定这会为每个人的工作不过,我可以这样说已经为我工作。
A - What I have done is decided to lower the number of facilities I use, and place them more strategicly.  I have been placing the city buildings like schools, fire, police, leisure, etc right next to the elites and executives.  It does not seem to matter to the qualified and unqualified workers how far they have to drive to get to a school for example, as long as they have one.  The execs and elites seem to be a bit more picky.  If you place these services next to them, you need less of them, and they seem to be happy with them. 阿-我所做的一切,决定降低使用数量的设施我,他们更strategicly和地点。我已经把这个城市的建筑物如学校,消防,警察,休闲等场合,旁边的精英和管理人员。它似乎没有问题的合格和不合格的工人,他们有多远开车去学校为例,只要他们有一个。的高层和精英似乎有点吹毛求疵。如果你把这些服务旁边他们,你需要他们少,他们似乎是他们满意。
B - I always build the most expensive leisure I can.  The best by far I have found is the rotating resturant, but you don't get that until much later unless you have expert mode turned on.  That said, I had a bowling alley providing enough leisure for a city of over 50k.  Currently I have 4 leisure buildings in my city and it's providing enough for almost 400k citizens. 乙-我总是建立最昂贵的休闲,我可以。迄今为止找到的最好的是我有旋转餐厅,但你没有得到,直到很久以后,除非你有专家模式打开。尽管如此,我有一个保龄球馆提供足够的闲暇超过50k的一个城市。目前,我有4个在我的城市休闲建筑和它的公民提供足够近40万。
C - When you place a building that provides a city service, be sure to place that building on a major road, or as close to a major road as possible.  It does seem that access to the facilities makes a large difference, so keep this in mind when placing! ç -当您将一个城市的建设,提供服务,一定要尽可能地,建立在主要道路,主要道路或接近到。它似乎使设施进入一个大的区别,使这放置时注意!
D - One other thing I have found is if you place the city service buildings BEFORE you place the zones for residential, when a residence is built it starts off with a green rating on the services.  If you build the services AFTER you place residential zones, the residents will need to take some time to get the full benefit of the service.  As a result, try to plan out your zones before placing them and put the services down first. Ð -另一件事情是我发现的地方是,如果你的城市服务大楼之前你有何区的住宅,居住时开始把它建成一个服务于绿色等级。如果你建立的服务在您的地方居住区,居民将需要花费一些时间才能得到充分的服务效益的结果。作为,尝试规划出了第一把你带出来,把以前的服务。

Trade: 贸易:
Lots of cities have issues with their upkeep.  (The cost per "turn" for your city expenses.)  Using the above mentioned system you can cut down on your need for city services, but that doesn't necessarily help with overall money flow.  To help keep your upkeep low, don't be afraid of using the trade system!  Lots of players will sell utilities for CHEAPER than you can produce them!!  How is that even possible!?!? 城市有许多的问题与他们的保养。开支(以成本为“城市转向”为您的。)利用上述系统,您可以削减下来的城市服务需要,但是,这并不一定帮助整体资金流动。为帮助保持你的维持低,不要害怕使用贸易系统!球员大量的事业将卖给他们比你更便宜的可以生产!这怎么能办到!?!?
A - Well, it's possible due to some of the buildings you get after your population unlocks them.  These include special buildings like refineries, silos, and waste incinerators. 阿-嗯,这是可能的,因为得到一些建筑物您解锁后,你的人口他们。特别的建筑物,其中包括像炼油厂,筒仓和废物焚化炉。 (Buildings specific to a certain utility and unlocked in the utility section.)  There are also special office type buildings you get later on that boost production of each industry by 35%.  As a result, players with larger cities are able to produce more using less money.  BE SURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS!  If you can get fuel for 35C instead of the 50C it would cost in just upkeep alone, you already saved 1,500 bucks each "turn".  That doesn't even count what you saved in not having to build the zone, not to mention the extra pollution, traffic, etc it causes. (建筑物某个特定的工具和实用程序中锁定一节。)还有一些特别的办公室type buildings你得到boost production industry的35%,由后来又说结果。由于一,城市players与larger能生产更多的using更少的钱。一定要利用这个优势!如果你能得到50℃燃料为35摄氏度,而不是它的成本仅在短短的保养,你已经保存的1500块钱每一个“转”。这甚至不指望你保存在没有建立区,更不用说额外污染,交通等,它的原因。
B - Check out this post by Nezroy for more info about trading.  It's called the " Resource and Trading Guide - Just the Basics " post.  It has some useful information in it! B -检查出更多的贸易信息关于这个职位由Nezroy。这就是所谓的“ 资源与贸易指南-只要基本信息 “后。它也有一些有用的信息!

Retail: 零售:
Lots of people seem to be having issues with retail.  I have found (somewhat of) a solution to this. 很多人的似乎是有问题与零售。我已找到(有点)一本解决方案。
A - When you place retail, be sure to place it next to elites/executives only. 阿-当你的地方零售,一定把它旁边的高层精英/只。
B - Do not over populate with retail or all of your retail will be in trouble. 乙-不要超过填充零售或零售所有你将有麻烦。
C - I use ONLY single plots for retail, and I try to scatter them a little bit.  That said, you don't need much. ç -我只使用单一零售情节,我试图分散他们一点点。尽管如此,你并不需要多少。
I recently started a new city on expert mode.  I have 4 high-density retail plots in the city, and the city is around 400k population.  The people do not really complain that much about retail, and most of the city is dark green with only the elites in light green. 我最近开始在专家模式一个新的城市。我有4个高密度的城市零售情节,以及在城市的人口约为40万。人民真的不抱怨了很多关于零售和城市大部分是深绿色的只有精英的浅绿色。

Bridges and Tunnels: 桥梁及隧道:
These can be tricky, as many times you will get a message saying it's an invalid connection - or something to that effect.  I have found a way to get around this issue. 这些可能会非常棘手,因为许多时候,你会得到一个消息,说这是一个无效的连接-或者诸如此类的话。我已经找到一种方法来解决这个问题。
A - What I do is build the tunnel or bridge how I like it.  I place the bridge/tunnel, and then extend the road on flat ground out just a little past the end of the bridge/tunnel. 阿-我做的是建立隧道或桥梁如何我喜欢它。我把桥梁/隧道,然后扩展平坦地面的道路上出一点点过去年底的桥梁/隧道。
B - I then use a dirt road to "cut" across the bridge/tunnel road. 乙-然后我用一条土路,“切桥”横跨/隧道的道路。
C - Next I delete the road that extends past the dirt road, leaving the tunnel/bridge, the short extend out from it, and the dirt road.  You are now able to place a normal road to the bridge/tunnel road without having any connection issues. ç -接下来,我删除的道路延伸过去的土路,离开隧道/桥梁,它从短期延长,和土路。现在您可以把一个正常的道路,桥梁,而不必任何/隧道道路连接问题。
D - After placing the road, simply delete the dirt road to finish your project. D路-在立案后,只需删除的土路,以完成您的项目。
E - Also, keep in mind the bridge/tunnel tool costs more upkeep than the road tool.  Be sure to replace any bridge/tunnel sections of road that are on flat ground and not needed with regular roads using the process described above. é -另外,请记住在桥梁/隧道维修工具,工具成本更比道路。务必更换任何上述过程描述桥梁/隧道路段的道路是经常使用单位需要与地面道路,而不是。

Conclusion: 结论:
Using these tactics/strategies, you should be able to be much better off in your city.  Any time you need more money, just build more offices or industry and back it up with some residentials.  Be sure to place your buildings wisely, and get the most out of them!! 通过这种战术/战略,你应该能够好得多城市里在你的。任何时候你需要更多的钱,只是多建办事处或行业和背部的一些residentials跟进的。务必把你的明智的建筑物,并获得而其中最有效地!

As I think of more stuff I will come back and update this page.  I will also come back and look for comments/questions.  I probably can't answer them all, but can answer quite a few of them, or at least try my best to. 正如我想更多的东西,我会回来更新此网页。我也会回来,寻找问题的意见/。我也许不能回答所有的问题,但不少可以回答他们,或至少我尝试最好。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-1 23:22 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-1 23:23 | 显示全部楼层


阿 - 也许最容易被忽视/误解了比赛的一部分,是货运和客运方面。这对你的城市。写字楼的需求你为他们的乘客,以赚取利润。同样的问题也为零售和商务酒店。任何行业要求你有货运,以赚取利润。 (这不包括农场,


乙 - 客运和货运的影响,你的城市间的连接。这意味着从任何快速公路的道路,以公路,机场和港口将提升您的货运和客运的水平。



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发表于 2010-5-1 23:23 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1模拟币 +10 收起 理由
mrxia + 10 我们也是自发成立的,不是官方 ...


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发表于 2010-5-1 23:24 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-1 23:51 | 显示全部楼层
A,        也许游戏中最容易被人忽略的部分就是货物和乘客的部分,这个部分对城市非常重要,office 要求你有乘客流量来使得office 挣钱,同样的情况对retail 和business hotels也适用。所有的工业要求你有freight运输来产生利润,(farms除外,不过silos包括在内),你可以看到passager和freight 流量的线路层,通过点击economic中的相应图层,
B,        Passangers 和freight 都受到你的城际连接的影响,这也是说所有的道路,从小路到快车道,高速公路,机场和港口都会增加你的passanger和freight的流量容量。
如果你把office 和business hotel 开在绿色 passanger评级的路边,office  and
C, 通常大家误解business hotel必须坐落在你的 office附近 ,实际上这是不对的 ,我把我的business hotel放在地图的 office区域另一边,依然可以获得100%的利润。 Business hotel 的位置仅仅同你把它放在绿色的 passanger 区域有关。同时,我发现 hidh-tech hotel 的利润 是这麽多hotel里最多的 。
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-1 23:58 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-2 00:04 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 sandyfriend 于 2010-5-1 23:51 发表
A,        也许游戏中最容易被人忽略的部分就是货物和乘客的 ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-2 00:07 | 显示全部楼层
上面提到先建city service后建住宅区??
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