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[新闻公告] (2010年1月26日)官方关于终止Planet Offer的重要通知

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发表于 2010-2-1 06:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
End of the Planet offer
January 26, 2010, 10:37 am
Dear Mayors,
First of all we want to thank you for your support since Cities XL was released in October of last year, and as far back as October 2007 for some of you.
In early 2007 we decided to be those who would make a new offer to City Builder games fans. Right from the start Cities XL has always been an innovative project regarding its online dimension. Of course, trying something new always comes with a risk.
Three months after the launch we have to admit that the subscription rate is lower than what we expected and therefore the Planet Offer is no longer sustainable. Not enough players decided to subscribe.
Therefore, it is with deep regret that we decided to put an end to the Planet Offer on March 8th 2010. It will no longer be possible to subscribe to the game starting Monday February 1st 2010.
Nevertheless the Cities XL adventure goes on! Cities XL will evolve into a fully single player game. As soon as march the Bus will be added for free in the solo game. At the same time we also keep on working on new content and new features to keep on improving Cities XL.
We do realize that some of you were real fans of the Planet Offer, and loved to be able to visit other player’s cities and trade tokens between each other. There are simply not enough of us.
Thank you again for your understanding and support.
For more detailed information, you can read the FAQ here.

- The Monte Cristo team

三个月过去了,Planet Offer的销售量一直低于我们的预期,我们决定停止Planet Offer网络游戏功能。
因此,我们抱歉决定于2010年3月8日正式停止Planet Offer,而从2010年2月1日起不再进行Planet Offer的销售。
但是,Cities XL的冒险仍将继续。它将演化为一款完全单机模式的游戏。不久之后的三月,Bus就将免费添加进单机游戏中。与此同时,我们将致力于新的游戏内容和新玩法的开发。
我们知道你们中间有些人还是非常喜爱Planet Offer模式的,喜欢拜访其他玩家的城市以及进行物品交换,无奈我们的人数太少。

[ 本帖最后由 cxc1010 于 2010-2-1 06:54 编辑 ]
发表于 2010-2-1 07:06 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-1 07:09 | 显示全部楼层
也许有些玩家会不同意我的观点,其实我当然理解游戏公司也要吃饭。但是他们既然选择了城市建设游戏,就应该知道这是一类小众游戏,游戏群体本来就很固定,数量也很有限。所以我认为他们做Cities XL这款游戏,至高目标应该是创造继SC4之后的有一个经典之作。把单机版做完善,其实玩过这款游戏的朋友都知道,这个游戏画面的确非常赞,有了这样的基础,再推出公共交通系统,开放自制地图,开放插件等等。有了良好的口碑,你再出什么网络功能,那都能达到锦上添花的效果;否则,走都没学会就想跑 ,只能是重蹈Planet Offer的覆辙。
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-1 07:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-2-1 13:30 | 显示全部楼层
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