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发表于 2009-8-11 22:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Discution of this mod, suggestions, etc... can be done on this topic:

RCImulti - MODpack for SimCity 4 Deluxe / RushHour by Nilo
Release date: 05/03/2008
The mods included in this pack was derived from findings that I made to the game´s mechanics involving
Demand, Jobs, Workforces, Capacities, Caps and its relations.
Look bellow for more information. Since English isn´t my primary language, please disregard eventual mistakes.

I´ve tested extensively all the mods here, encontering no problem, crash or performance issues.
Anyway, I'am not responsible for any problems that my arise from the use of the mods provided here, bla bla... you know the drill so use it at your own risk.

Features and instalation:
This pack contains several files under 4 folders:
- Jobs*
- Homejobs*
- RCIDemand**
- Extra_tools**
* CHOOSE ONLY ONE file to install from these folders.
**YOU CAN install one or more files from these folders.
To install just copy the file(s) to your plugin folder (usually under \My Documents\Simcity 4\plugins\)

The files in this folder deals with jobs generation from the Comercial and Industrial buildings of your city.
IMPORTANT: The query window will show the original building capacity, but using the TRAFFIC QUERY TOOL you will
see that each building will have more workers (up to 3 ou 6 times depending on the mod installed) for each I/C building.
Works on new and existing cities.
jobs_xx.dat - Creates x times more jobs for ALL comercial and industrial buildings.
jobs_xx_uncapped.dat - the same with no caps to growth (no need to create connections, plop rewards, etc...)
jobs_standard_uncapped.dat - just the uncap effect (it fixes the IHT bug - see below for more info)
jobs_nominal_uncapped.dat - Each building will generates only jobs of the same wealth level, so what you see in the query
window (for example IHT building with 60 jobs) is what you get (60 $$$JOBS). With no caps.
jobs_rebalanced_uncapped.dat - Rebalanced version. Each $$ building creates 20%$$$jobs, 50%$$jobs and 30% $jobs.
Each $$$ building creates 30%$$$jobs, 50%$$jobs and 20% $jobs. And industry Dirty will create 10%$$$jobs, 20%$$jobs and
70%$jobs. With no caps.

NOTE ON UNCAPPED: This mod prevents the cap to increase, but does not eliminate existing cap in your city.

The files in this folder deals with residential caps and residential JOBS (SiMs work at home, a.k.a residential jobs)
Note that the residencial capacity remains unchanged. A building with capacity for 200 sims will continue to support
200 sims, but will at the same time (in addition) provide jobs (the number of jobs is a percentage of the building capacity).
The jobs created will be of the same wealth level of the building ($JOBS for R$, $$JOBS for R$$, $$$Jobs for R$$$).

10pct_homejobs_uncapped.dat - provides 10% of the building capacity in jobs
25pct_homejobs_uncapped.dat - 25% jobs
100pct_homejobs_uncapped.dat - 100% jobs - in effect you will not need  any industrial or commercial building in your city
since all sims will work at home.... (the demand for Industrial and commercial will still be there...)
r_standard_uncapped.dat - no jobs(normal residences) - only the uncap effect.

*UNCAPPED = removes the cap to growth (no need to create connections, plop rewards, etc...)
NOTE: Doesn´t affect TAX CAPS. For each population range you MUST lower taxes to a certain level, otherwise the active demand will be capped at ZERO and nothing will grow.

The files in this folder can be combined. Each one will LOCK the respective demand in the max value possibile. No matter what
you do in the game, the demand will remain still....
If you want for example, max R$$$ demand and max IHT demand, just put theses 2 files in your plugin folder. To supress unwanted
demand (to filter) just raise taxes of the unwanted developer to maximum. That way you can create specific types of cities.
Co$$$_activedem_ON.dat - Comercial Office $$$ max active demand ON.
Co$$_activedem_ON.dat - Comercial Office $$ max active demand ON.
Cs$$$_activedem_ON.dat - Comercial Service $$$ max active demand ON.
Cs$$_activedem_ON.dat - Comercial Service $$ max active demand ON.
Cs$_activedem_ON.dat - Comercial Service $ max active demand ON.
ID_activedem_ON.dat - Industry Dirty max active demand ON
IHT_activedem_ON.dat - Industry High Technology max active demand ON
IM_activedem_ON.dat - Industry Manufacture max active demand ON
IR_activedem_ON.dat - Industry Resource max active demand ON
R$$$_activedem_ON.dat - Residential $$$ max active demand ON
R$$_activedem_ON.dat - Residential $$ max active demand ON
R$_activedem_ON.dat - Residential $ max active demand ON

These extra features provide more control over your cities.
-desire_override.dat - Change the park and landmark effect in the overall desirability, overriding others factors such as
traffic, pollution, crime, education, garbage, etc.....  in effect you can manipulate the overall desirability using parks.
-easymoney.dat - Multiplies the monthly income of your taxes by 10 so you can lower taxes to 1% and still run your city easily.
-no_fire.dat - Elininate all fires occurrences, including arson crime so you will never be interrupted again by a random fire...
-NO_TRAFFIC.dat - Transportation won´t generate traffic. I used this to make ultra-population experiments (3.600.000 sims in
the smallest city) and other "stress tests" that required the elimination of traffic from the equation.
-Super_waterpipe.dat - Improve water pipe radius, requiring LESS pipes to cover your city. Especially useful in the larger
cities due to performance issues.
-parktools.dat - The first 4 itens in the "park menu" have the follow effects:
1) basketball court: Creates 10.000.000 JOBS for low wealth sims (R$).
2) ranger cabin: creates 10.000.000 jobs for medium wealth sims (R$$).
3) tennis court: creates 10.000.000 jobs for high wealth sims (R$$$).
4) small plaza: If you install the "desire_override mod" plopping this item will Max out desirability for the entire city,
for all developers(residential, commercial, industrial - including Farming which will grow anywhere you place them....)

I´ve used this tools to make super-population experiments, among other things.

Detailed Explanation on the Concepts behind this mod
Before ugins this mod, it´s important to quickly review how some things
works in SimCity 4 so you can understand what the mod changes.

Every commercial or industrial building in SC4 has a capacity that indicates how many SIMs can work in it. What not everybody
knows is that Capacity does not equal JOBS. The game's engine will derivate the JOBS based on the CAPACITY of the building.
It´s important to know that there´s only 3 types of JOBs:

It can look pretty obvious since there´s only 3 types of SIMs: R$, R$$, R$$$. But we have different type of workers based
on the level/quotient of Education (EQ). Internally the games splits the workforce in 4 levels for each wealth type, based
on the EQ. So in the end we have 12 different "types" of workers. Actually this "workforce subsystem" has only one fundamental function in the game: Each type of the 12 workforce type will dictate what type of "developer" commercial (service or office) or industrial (dirty, manufacture or high-tech) to build by increasing its respective demands.
So if you have a city with no shools (low EQ) there will be little or no demand for IM, IHT or even commercial offices.
But in the end, there´s only 3 types of JOBS as stated before. So once a industrial or commercial building appears in the game (grows or if you plop) it will provide JOBS, and SIMs regardless of the EQ level, WILL work on it.
Now that the workforce role is clarified, lets Back to Jobs x Capacity.
Each Industry or Commerce pertains to a wealth level ($, $$ or $$$) BUT as stated before, the capacity of the building does
not translate into JOBS. Wich means that an Industrial building wealth $$$ with capacity = 40 DOES NOT generates 40 $$$JOBS.
For each type of commercial or industrial, the game engine will derivate $, $$ and $$$ JOBS for each building, using the
capacity as reference. So in the previous example, the IHT building with 40 capacity will generate, based on the default game
settings, 4 $JOBS(10%), 32 $$JOBS(80%) and 4 JOBS$$$(10%)*.
* BUG: The game engine have a BUG that prevents the JOBS$$$ and JOBS$ for Industry Hi-tech for being created. If you ever
wonder why wealth sims ($$$) NEVER work on IHT building, now you know why. This bug occours when you try to use(when modding the game)  similar % for each JOB type. Since the default game specs dictate 10% for BOTH JOBS$ and JOBS$$$ on IHT industry,
the game engine will truncate theses values and will generate noone.
So it´s possible to change the amount of Jobs generated for each developer type.
The overall and resumed demand cycle works as follows:
1) Industrial or Commercial building grows generating JOBS. (as explained above, it´s possible to change which type and how many JOBs each type of developer will generate).
2) For EACH JOB ($, $$ or $$$) created, the game adds TWO "points" (200%) of the respective ($, $$ or $$$) RESIDENTIAL DEMAND. - do not confound building capacity with JOBS!!! a single building usually generates all tree type of jobs, regardless of the wealth type of the building (exception for I-D, I-R and Cs$ which for balance/concept reasons, only generates $JOBS)
3) Residential buildings grows, generating Workers (usually 30 to 40% of residential occupancy is of workers)
4) School (EQ) factor splits the workforce into 4 categories for each wealth level.
5) Each one of the 12 "types" of workforce will increase the demand for certain developer types (Industry and Commercial)
6) The new added commercial/industrial demand allows more buildings to grow, closing the cycle which then restart at step 1.

This is the overall cycle. In the "in-betweens" other events occurs and it's possible to "hook" some commands such as increase or decrease demand, caps, etc....   every time a certain build grows, it satisfy the respective demand by 100% (changeable) of the added capacity... it also CREATES or ALLEVIATES CAPS (which can be modded too) among other possibilites.
TO be brief, The demand cycle is very segmented and allows a great deal of customization.
Ah and it´s worth to note that due to this segmentation, each demand type is a isolated variable and it´s possible to set the minimum and maximum values for each one at will (including regional demands)

Look for more info on the Simtropolis.com and Simcity4Devotion.com FORUMS (modding section) for more information.

   (0 points)   
NorNor (? points)  Aug-11-2009 7:40 AM
This is just. WOW. Seems like a lot of work.
(0 points)   
mayor_brando (? points)  Aug-11-2009 8:15 AM
This looks really promising!
(0 points)   
miggoycor (? points)  Aug-11-2009 8:21 AM
Hmm. Correct me if I am wrong but I think that if you put any RCI Demand mod, you cannot remove it from your cities built by it because if you do, mass abandonment will take place and demand will plummet. Am I correct? This is still cool, but I just want to warn people who might switch back to normal demand mood.  
(0 points)   
Kryptowhite (? points)  Aug-11-2009 9:54 AM
Looks like you put a lot of work into this, and that work from home idea is pretty creative. 5/5
(0 points)   
edwardolardo (? points)  Aug-11-2009 9:57 AM
wow, i agree with everyone else lol. good job. it'll be great for experiements
Comment:Write something   
发表于 2009-8-11 22:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-11 22:50 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2009-8-11 22:54 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 smtfrank 于 2009-8-11 22:50 发表

看完直接刪掉..... ...


[ 本帖最后由 Bobbi 于 2009-8-11 23:02 编辑 ]
发表于 2009-8-11 23:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复 4# 的帖子

更動了些 RCI 的developer、一些simulator

.......不過看到Traffic Simulator..........
发表于 2009-8-11 23:02 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-12 00:18 | 显示全部楼层
巨汗的东西 看明白了
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