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请教一下 我游戏升级的问题

发表于 2008-9-16 14:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我的游戏是D版的RH(模拟城市4+尖锋时刻) 升级过程是按照 http://www.simcity.cn/thread-22047-1-1.html 里面进行的

升级补丁是从这里下的http://www.simcity.cn/thread-23535-1-2.html, 镜象和虚拟光驱也都安装了(镜象http://www.simcity.cn/thread-30668-1-1.html),

一切安装结束 进行游戏 问题来了:只出现一个大桥的画面然后就跳出游戏 出现一个提示(如图):老郁闷了  难道我升不了级~~

这是什么原因?  请高手帮忙看看  不胜感激


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-16 15:01 | 显示全部楼层

郁闷啊  没人在啊 我哭~~~~~~~
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-16 15:16 | 显示全部楼层
对了 忘说了我是刚刚重新装了游戏后 上的补丁
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-16 15:48 | 显示全部楼层
Log generated on 9/16/2008, 15:21

hardwareDriver = true
DXT = true
fullscreen = true
MMX = true
FPU = true
backingStore = true
forcedFSAA = false

userName = Administrator
appName = SimCity 4
version = 1.1.613.0
osVersion = Windows NT 5.1
computerName = MICROSOF-1D08DE
CPU = GenuineIntel
sglDriverName = DirectX
sglDriverVersion = 2.0
driverName = nv4_disp.dll
driverVersion =, GUID: D7B71E3E-4062-11CF-B063-00200EC2CD35
cardName = NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200  (Microsoft Corporation)
cardVersion = Vendor: 10de, Device: 0322, Board: 0000, Chipset: 00a1
cardIdentity = NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200  (Microsoft Corporation)
soundDriverName =
soundCardName = 主声音驱动程序
buildType = Release

cpuSpeed = 2665
memory = 1024
freeMemory = 620
screenWidth = 1024
screenHeight = 768
screenBPP = 16
videoMemory = 157
textureMemory = 157
textureStages = 8
bogoFPS = 0
bogoMPPS = 0

applying Sound
applying high sound detail
applying City Detail and Day/Night Settings
applying City Detail and Day/Night Settings>
applying high computer power
  option 9 = 3
  option 13 = 1
  option 15 = 3
applying Texture Quality and Building Variety Settings
applying Texture Quality and Building Variety Settings>
applying high memory
  option 3 = 3
  option 14 = 3
applying Variable Speed Automata
applying default
  option 10 = 1
applying Standard hardware
  option 0 = 1
  option 1 = 1
  option 2 = 1
  option 4 = 0
  option 5 = 1
  option 8 = 1
  option 7 = 1
  option 6 = 1
  option 11 = 0
  option 12 = 0
applying Standard hardware>
  option 1 = 2
applying Standard hardware>>
  option 0 = 2
applying Standard hardware>>>
  option 2 = 2
applying Standard hardware>>>>
  option 4 = 1
applying Standard hardware>>>>>
  option 11 = 1
applying Two stages
applying Lotsa vidmem
applying Not Slow GeForce
applying Fast card
applying Fast card>
  option 12 = 1
applying Fast card>>
  option 1 = 3
applying Fast card>>>
  option 0 = 3
applying Fast card>>>>
  option 2 = 3
applying Fast card>>>>>
  option 4 = 1

Visual Effects       current:   3 recommended:   3
Cars/Sims            current:   3 recommended:   3
Shadows              current:   3 recommended:   3
Atmospheric effects  current:   1 recommended:   1
Water effects        current:   1 recommended:   1
Software/Hardware    current:   1 recommended:   1
Cursor               current:   1 recommended:   1
VariableSpeedAutomata current:   1 recommended:   1
Translucent UI       current:   1 recommended:   1
Graphic Detail       current:   3 recommended:   3
Building Load Speed  current:   3 recommended:   3
Texture Quality      current:   3 recommended:   3

forcesoftwaredriver = false
renderdynamicview = true
renderstaticview = true
renderwatereffects = true
rendercloudsandfog = true
forcepointsampling = false
forcebilinear = false
forcenoalphablend = false
forcenoalphatest = false
rendershadows = true
renderdecals = true
usesecondstage = true
forcedebugtexture = false
renderparticleeffects = true
renderflorashadows = true
renderterrain = true
showupdateregions = false
usecursoreffects = true
drawlottextures = true
drawlotfoundations = true
drawlotwalls = true
forcetexturerepeat = false
usescreenshake = true
renderui = true
useupdaterectclipping = true
usevertexbuffers = true
showboundingboxes = false
useoverlayculling = true
rendersnapshot = false
noaddsigned = false
nopartialbackingstorecopies = false
usescreenflash = true
renderautomata = true
preferopaque = false
displayalertborders = true
drawlotopaquetextures = true
useviewcleanup = false
doautozoomandrotationchanges = true

viewoffsety = 0
viewoffsetx = 0
texturebits = 32
lodoffset = 0
shadowdebug = 0
maxparticlestarget = 10000
particlelodoffset = 0
effectprioritylevel = 5
backingstoremaxzoomall = 5
backingstoremaxzoombuildingsprops = 5
backingstoremaxzoomterrain = 5
backingstoremaxzoomflora = 5
shadowquality = 2
minvehiclezoom = 3
minpedzoom = 4
cursortype = 1
depthoffset = 2
debugtexture = 0
dirtyrectmergeframes = 2
sounddetail = 2
buildingvariety = 2
buildingloaderspeed = 1
modellodoffset = 0
stringtexturecachesize = 1024

particleeffectslod = 5
splattexturescale = 50
texbindmaxfree = 8
particledensity = 1
particledamping = 0
particlescale = 1
lightingupdatedelta = 0.0001
shadowmodelthreshold = 12
demolishmodelthreshold = 12
rendermodelthreshold = 6
rendermodelthresholdscroll = 40
particlesizethreshold = 300
maxvehiclepct = 1
maxpedpct = 1
opaqueuialphavalue = 0.55
发表于 2008-9-16 19:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-16 19:36 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-16 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
汗~~ 看来真得去整个豪华的了
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