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发表于 2007-2-8 18:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<img src='images/smiles/em008.GIF' smilietext=':em008:' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt=':em008:' title=':em008:' />  城市发展的还算不错,教育也跟上城市发展。IRC需求高科技工业需求快到80%了,我想城市转型,不想要污染企业了。我该在什么地方规划呀???
发表于 2007-2-8 19:21 | 显示全部楼层


HT企业对环境和教育水平要求比较高.. . .另外就是货运时间 . ...
<br />   ...  所以建议在城际结合处环境良好的郊区. . ..以方便发展. ... 而且HT区域规划一定要整齐. .....
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<br />还要说一点. . .. 一个城市必须要有良好的工业基础才能刺激高产业的发展 .. . 所以就算在初期人为调低高科税收也不会太大的增加需求 .. .. ..
发表于 2007-2-9 03:25 | 显示全部楼层


If you are not in a hurry and have some money, you can gradually change your existing dirty industry to high tech industry.
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<br />First choose an industrial zone that is not extremely polluted (look at the air pollution and the demanding map), cancel the zone in this area and build as many large green parks as possible in the unzoned area. After a while (I'm not sure of the exact time, but you need to wait), the area pollution there will decrease till very shallow yellow or almost green. Then you can rezone the area in to industry. But meanwhile, make sure your tax on dirty industry, and also manufactoring if you don't want it, is very high (at least &gt;13% I think) to make sure that dirty industry will not develop at this moment. Also, surround your new high tech area buy greens to seperate pollution. You can do this starting with small area and then finally change the whole industry area into high tech. It's much safer then demonish all the dirty industry at the same time because if so, your income will decrease dramatically and most important, residents will lose their jobs ending in abolished buildings and decreasing in population.
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<br /><font color="#ff0000">如果可以的话,最好还是用中文,谢谢
<br />                                 ---黑黑的雪</font><!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 黑黑的雪 在 2007-02-09 08:30 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->
发表于 2007-2-9 04:19 | 显示全部楼层


<p>Waxima's ans. sounds quite good. But for me, I would first turn the high pollution industry into manufacturing industry by arranging the tax. After turning the zone into all manu. indus., change the tax again to attract hightech (actually lower the tax for high tech at the very very beginning) my experience is that the high tech can withstand sitting beside the manu.</p><p>BTW, I would like to rise a Q, what is the relation between commercial and population demand? Can I build more commercial --&gt; more job --&gt; more ppl --&gt;more commercial ? </p><p>And wt is the relationship between different commercial ???<img src="http://www.simcity.cn/images/smiles/em010.GIF" border="0" onclick="javascript:window.open(this.src);" alt="" style="CURSOR: pointer" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-500)this.style.width=screen.width-500;" /> </p>
发表于 2007-2-9 08:28 | 显示全部楼层


<br />偶的做法是,先找一块比较靠近原有高污工业区的没有空气和水源污染的地方划分一块新的工业用地.
<br />这个时候,如果你的高科技需求足够强的话,那么,这块新的工业区出来的建筑比较多的是高科技,但是更多的是高污企业.那么,只要出一栋高污就除掉它,出两栋就铲两栋,总之这片区域不能有除了高科以外的其他类型建筑.不用担心会花很多钱,铲除不了太多的建筑后,高污就不会在这里建造了.很奇怪,好像他们知道这里不允许建造高污一样~!
<br />在这个过程的同时,最好把高污和制造业的税率调高.记住,不要一下子就调到很高.一定要分步骤的调,一点点的调.可以先是10%-12%-15%-18%-20%,总之,要一步步来.
<br />当税率调到15~18左右的时候,你就可以进军高污企业了.将原有的高污企业一点点的拆了!
<br />先从靠近高科的地方拆,边拆边建公园.如果运气好的话,那么会有很多高科企业一起和你拆呢!  呵呵
<br />过不了几年,你就能够看到,天空变蓝了,河流变清了,心情舒畅了,哈哈.
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