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[道路交通] 道路管理工具。

发表于 2015-4-20 23:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 kpsia118 于 2015-4-20 23:53 编辑






Traffic Manager [v0.85 BETA]

This mod lets you add priority roads, control traffic lights, change lanes and add/remove crosswalks.

Current features:

Add/Remove Traffic lights
- You can add/remove traffic lights on all road junctions

Priority Signs
- Set main and secondary roads.
- Diamond(yellow) sign is main road, all cars on that road have a priority over all other roads.
- Triangle(red and white) sign is secondary road, cars have to yield to vehicles from the main road. Stopping is not required.
- Stop sign is also a secondary road. Cars have to stop, look for incoming cars and if the road is clear - continue on their trip

Manual traffic lights
- Manually control all traffic lights on a junction
- Useful for designing your timed traffic lights (See 'Timed traffic lights'), clearing traffic and role-playing as a traffic cop
- Important: Traffic lights revert to normal when inactive

Timed traffic lights
- Set traffic light timers on one or more junction to allow for more heavy routes to clear more traffic.
- Configure multiple junctions at once to create a green wave.

- For people asking how to use it, here's a simple how-to:

1. Select timed traffic lights.
2. Select the desired junction (select one 4-way junction for a first-timer)
3. Click next.
4. Click Add State
5. Set the desired lights on the junction (don't click 'mode', as you want to use the simplest light for a first-timer); Example: set the 2 roads facing each other - green; and the other 2 - red
6. Set the desired amount of seconds you want the lights to be with the slider (for example: 12)
7. Click 'Add'
9. Click 'Add state'
9. Set the desired lights on the junction (again, don't click 'mode' - you want simple traffic lights); Example: reverse the lights - the ones that are red - make them green, and the ones that are green - make them red.
10. Set the desired amount of seconds you want the lights to be with the slider (for example: 8)
11. Click 'Add'
12. Click 'Start'
13. Now you have a junction that has a 4-way with one of the roads having 12 'seconds' of green time (it's not exactly seconds, but it's an easier naming) and the other having 8 'seconds' of green time

This will give you a basic idea of how things work. You can watch the video for more complex timed traffic lights.

Change lanes
- Change road lanes to allow/disallow lefts/rights, add more forward lanes, etc., traffic will start following it after 2-3 minutes. If you want cars to instantly start following them, use 'Clear traffic' button (See 'Clear traffic')
- Important: these lanes define the direction, not the road curve, so if you have a T-intersection with 45 degrees curve, forward is forward, not left/right. Sometimes you'll have to do it manually, since the base game does NOT do it that way)

- Add/Remove crosswalks on roads

Clear traffic
- Clears all road traffic
- Useful when changing lanes, creating manual/timed traffic lights and to clear congestions caused by bad road planning.

No despawn
- Enable/Disable despawning caused by traffic congestion or traffic being blocked.

Same road priority (base - not configurable)
- All cars that are on a same priority level (diamond - diamond, yield - stop - yield - stop), manual traffic lights, timed traffic lights or on modified lanes start to follow the rules for Priority on the right and wait for left turn(wait for right turn in LHD)

All roads that have priority signs, enabled manual traffic lights, timed traffic lights or changed lanes automatically start running under an additional layer - Traffic Manager's simulation. Everything else runs under game's simulation
Which means that cars start following the assigned lanes and same road priority. The base game sometimes assigns lanes that are not correct, which will cause traffic to not go through that intersection. You'll have to manually fix the lanes to the proper ones, so the traffic can start functioning again

Known issues:
- UI problems using ESC key and some other mildly frustrating issues with the UI
- Crosswalks become permanent upon save/load game
- Crosswalks work on places it shouldn't (like intersections) and the result is missing textures.
- Other minor issues
- Pathfinder problems when using Left-Hand Drive, PLEASE DO NOT PUT SERVICE BUILDINGS OR BUS STOPS ON ONE-WAY STREETS - they stop working

Incompatible mods (please report which ones it does not work correctly with):
- Traffic++ (enable Ghost mode if you already have a save with it)
- Lane changer
- Toggle traffic lights
Please check yourself if your issue is caused by another mod, it's pretty hard to go through every mod and check if every functionality is working properly

It's important to check if your issue is caused by another mod. Disable and restart the game just to be sure. Some mods do not break everything in the mod, just parts of it, and debugging becomes very difficult.

How to clear ALL traffic manager saves in case a major/blocker bug pops up: Open your Steam folder, go to SteamApps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data, delete all files with the name 'trafficManagerSave_xxxxxxx.xml'

Source code: https://github.com/CBeTHaX/Skylines-Traffic-Manager/



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