原名:Enhanced Ambience Mod 1.1
This Mod is to improve the skies of the game, 这个mod增强了天空的颜色
- More realistic Daytime (12 PM) Sky is more natural blue, and brighter 正午(中午12点)的天空变得更自然得蓝,并且更明亮
- More realistic Afternoon 更真实的下午
- Sunset also improved (I was tired of the pink sunset the game had, I felt it wasn't very realistic)夕阳也得到改进(我对原本的紫色夕阳感到厌倦,我觉得它非常不真实)
- Sunrise and Mornings improved as well 日出和早晨也得到增强
*Update Version 1.1* 升级版本1.1
- Improves the sunset (6PM): 改进了下午六点的日落
*Please note this mod was made after a series of experiments (hours after hours of starting up the game to see the effects of little settings) So any (constructive) criticism is appreciated. 请注意这个mod是我经过一系列的实验(数小时的开关游戏来查看设置上微小的改变),因此我接受任何建设性的意见
I will improve this in future versions, and try to fix any bugs, hopefully if there's someone that knows more about this than I do that can help me (especially with custom cubemaps)
File I edited: "Enviroment.xml" (any further help would be appreciated)
Plans for future version:
- Fix any issues found in the mod
- Custom cubemaps?
Current known bug:
- If you press play in the time of day slider at 6 PM, the sky will turn greenish for a moment as the sun sets (Tried many ways to fix this, can't figure out why it won't)
Copy "ZZZZZZ_Improved_Ambience_Mod.patch" into Paks directory.