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[显示问题] 安装最新NAM后出现的问题

发表于 2013-3-10 10:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




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发表于 2013-3-10 17:41 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-24 08:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-24 10:37 | 显示全部楼层

如果有,請到位於"我的文件\SimCity 4\BSC_Cleanitol"下安裝新版NAM當日的備份看看

可能是新版NAM安裝程序內帶的BSC Cleanitol把原本使用的T21插件的支持文件刪掉了
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-25 16:24 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-29 10:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-29 11:19 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-30 08:13 | 显示全部楼层

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Main Installation Location:
  C:\Users\Owner\Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins\Network Addon Mod
Documentation Location:
  C:\Users\Owner\Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins\Network Addon Mod\Documentation

Installation Type:  Complete Installation
Traffic Driving Side:  Right side of road
Traffic simulator type:  Medium capacity
Zones Data View: New (NAM)
Automata controller type:  Standard

The following networks and/or network expansions will be installed:
- Canal Addon Mod (CAN-AM) - SimGoober's Canals
- Diagonal Streets
- Double-Height Monorail / Bullet Train Mod
- El Rail
    - El Rail Alternate Implementation
    - El Rail over Road Networks
    - Double-Height Elevated Rail
- Elevated Road Networks
- Flexible Underpasses (FLUPs)
- Fractionally Angled Networks (FANs)
    - Fractionally Angled Road Networks (FARs)
    - Fractionally Angled Railroads (FARRs)
    - Draggable FAR
- Ground Light Rail / Tram
    - Ground Light Rail
    - Tram in Avenue
    - Tram in Road
    - Tram in Street
- High Speed Rail Project (HSRP)
- Network Widening Mod (NWM)
    - Network Widening Mod
    - Legacy Transition Piece Wealthification
- Ped Malls
- Rail
    - Underground Rail
    - Viaduct Rail
    - Single Track Rail (STR)
- Real Highway Mod (RHW)
- Rural Roads Plugin
- Street Addon Mod (SAM)
    - SAM Set 1 - Parking Lots
    - SAM Set 2 - Herringbone Brick Streets
    - SAM Set 3 - PEG Dirt Streets
    - SAM Set 4 - PEG Gravel Streets
    - SAM Set 5 - Trolca Dirt Streets
    - SAM Set 6 - Klinker Streets
    - SAM Set 7 - Asphalt Streets
    - SAM Set 8 - Cobblestone Streets
    - SAM Set 9 - Brick Streets
    - SAM Set 10 - Japanese Streets

The following stations, ports, and network transitions will be installed:
- Upgraded Maxis Transit Lots
- Airport Capacity:  Medium (4x Maxis)
- El Rail Stations
    - Victorian El Rail Station (Orthogonal)
    - Victorian El Rail Station (Diagonal)
    - Modern El Train Station
    - Diagonal El Rail Station
    - Double-Height Elevated Rail Station
    - El Rail over Road Stations
        - CTA Madison and Wells Station
        - Modern El Rail over Road Station
- Elevated Roadway Bus and Subway Station
- GLR and Tram Stations
    - GLR Stations
        - SFBT Dentai GLR Station (Orthogonal)
        - SFBT Dentai GLR Station (Diagonal)
    - Tram Stations
        - SFBT Dentai Tram-in-Avenue Station (Orthogonal)
        - SFBT Dentai Tram-in-Avenue Station (Diagonal)
- SFBT Tram-in-Road Station (Double Length)
- SFBT Tram-on-Street Stop
- High Speed Rail Stations
    - Modern Arched HSR Station
    - Modern Arched GHSR Station
    - HSRP Transit Hub
- Monorail and Bullet Train Stations
    - Modern Monorail Station
    - Overhanging Monorail / Bullet Train Station
    - Diagonal Monorail / Bullet Train Station
    - Double-Height Monorail / Bullet Train Station
    - Japanese Bullet Train Station
- Multi-Purpose Stations
    - Ninja Boulevard Kiosk
    - Ninja Boulevard Station
- Network Transitions and Connectors
    - SFBT GLR to Subway Transition
    - Tram to Subway Transitions
    - Subway to Underground Rail Connectors (ESURE)
- Rail Stations
    - Modern Arched Rail Station
    - Viaduct Rail Stations
        - Modern Viaduct Rail Station
        - Diagonal Viaduct Rail Station
        - Victorian Viaduct Rail Station (Orthogonal)
        - Victorian Viaduct Rail Station (Diagonal)

The following additional features and customizations will be installed:
- Additional Bridges
    - Basic Additional Bridges
    - Avenue Bridges
        - JENX PARIS Pont Alexandre III
        - Millau Viaduct
    - El Rail Bridges
        - Concrete Box Girder El Rail Bridge
        - Steel Bailey Under Truss El Rail Bridge
        - Cable Stayed El Rail Bridge
    - Elevated Highway Bridges
        - Jeronij TsingMa Single Deck Bridge
    - Ground Highway Bridges
        - Akashi Kaikyo Bridge
    - High Speed Rail Bridges
        - Basic HSR Bridge
        - Basic GHSR Bridge
        - Concrete Box-Girder GHSR Bridge
        - Cable Stayed HSR Bridge
        - Cable Stayed GHSR Bridge
        - HSR Concrete Pier Bridge
        - GHSR Concrete Pier Bridge
        - HSR Suspension Bridge
        - Bailey Truss HSR Bridge
        - Warren Thru-Truss GHSR Bridge
    - Monorail Bridges
        - AIT Concrete Pier Monorail Bridge
        - Cable-Stayed Monorail Bridge
        - Monorail Suspension Bridge
        - Concrete Y-Pier Monorail Bridge
    - Railway Bridges
        - Göltzsch Viaduct
        - JRJ Warzone Bridge
        - Garabit Viaduct
        - Howe Truss Rail Bridge (Standard)
        - Howe Truss Rail Bridge (Single Track)
        - Metal Arch Rail Bridge
        - Metal Pylon Bridge
        - Modern Rail Bridge
        - Plate Girder Single Track Rail Bridge
        - Wooden Trestle Single Track Rail Bridge
            - Bridge Structure
        - Royal Albert Single Track Rail Bridge
        - PvM JRJ Green Garabit Rail Bridge
    - Real Highway Bridges
        - RHW-2 Concrete Girder Bridge
        - RHW-2 Small Steel Arch Bridge
        - RHW-4 Large Steel Arch Bridge
        - RHW-4 Steel Girder Bridge
        - RHW-4 Steel Girder Bridge Dual
        - RHW-4 Suspension Bridge Compact
        - RHW-6S Cable-Stayed Bridge Compact
        - RHW-6S Concrete Arch Bridge
        - RHW-6S Concrete Arch Bridge Dual
        - RHW-6S Steel Arch Bridge Compact
        - RHW-8S Undertruss Bridge
        - RHW-10S Cable Stayed Bridge
        - RHW-10S Large Concrete Arch
        - RHW-MIS Bridges
    - Road Bridges
        - Kwanyoni Bridge
        - DT Road Bridge
        - JENX Tower Bridge
        - JENX PARIS Pont Royal
- JENX PARIS Pont Saint Michel
        - JENX PARIS Pont Neuf (Road)
        - Krummbach Bridge
        - Old Road Bridge
        - Pont Sant Angelo
        - Wooden Covered Road Bridge
    - Street Addon Mod (SAM) Bridges
    - Street Bridges
        - Concrete Street Bridge
        - Covered Street Bridge
        - JENX PARIS Pont Neuf (Street)
        - Steel Girder Street Bridge
    - Tram in Road Bridges
        - Pont Notre Dame
- Bridge Height Mod
- Custom Menu Icon Layouts
    - Custom Highway Menu
    - Custom Rail Menu
    - Custom Misc. Transportation Menu
- Extended Station Queries
    - Standard Hole Diggers and Ground Raisers
- Maxis Highway Interchange & Ramp Additions
- Darker rail textures by SFBT
- Rail Viaduct Style:  Grey Rocks
- Road Textures and Markings
    - Maxis Standard Road Textures (American style)
- Roundabouts and Other Interchanges
    - Street Roundabouts
    - Road Roundabouts
    - Oneway Roundabouts
    - Avenue Roundabouts and Interchanges
- Turning Lanes
    - Road Turning Lanes
    - Avenue Turning Lanes
    - Turning Lane Extension Plugin (Basic)
- Wide Radius Curves
    - Wide Curves for Streets, Roads, and Avenues
    - Wide Curves for Rails
    - Wide Curves for Monorail and Bullet Train
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发表于 2013-3-30 10:53 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-30 11:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-3-30 13:00 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-31 07:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-3-31 18:41 | 显示全部楼层

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SimCity 1.dat文件大小應為144,596,245位元組
SimCity 2.dat文件大小應為168,588,181位元組
SimCity 3.dat文件大小應為115,117,583位元組
SimCity 4.dat文件大小應為125,624,858位元組
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发表于 2013-4-4 16:34 | 显示全部楼层
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