本篇節錄即在探討 ,我也想問,為何V5不太能配合nitelite啊。看看他們的對話
N大:Hi S大, why do I always get the 'Error Failed! Code=6' message whenever I do the normal export (like those in gmax) with night lights? I tried the normal day export without night lights and the export went fine.
[譯:當我有nitelite燈光時,為何輸出總出錯(error code=6)。而我試著不要nitelite燈光時,輸出day export就可以]
S大:This is one reason (one of not the only one) WHY I developed truNite. The whole process of how standard night render was organized/scripted was very buggy. If you add to it inferior results then the question is why to bother...
What version of Max are you using and why do you want to use those nitelites?
But one also must keep in mind that the reason may also be in how you have set your nitelites. Still I would recommend you to go truNite way. By doing so you simply chop of a big part of buggy scipt.
[.........理由也是要看你怎麼用nitelite的,但我仍建議你使用truNite方式,不要用nitelite,你將立刻輕易的揮別老式易出錯的buggy script。]
The reason is that truNite, as you have explained, the building would jump straight from day to night view instead the whole dusk routine.
Personally, I just don't really like that. And I already tried a simple test which involves only a simple box and an omni light with the prefix "nitelite_".
The nitelite, however, is still seen turned on in the day preview, instead of off, even with the prefix. And the error still exist too. And I'm using 3ds Max 2011 Student version.
S大:And for the sake of this transition you're ready to sacrifice the quality of night view? Are you aware that you'll never be able to get it look good. I mean night view the way you want to do it.
If you don't need any of the advanced features why do you need MAX at all? I mean why do you want to render in MAX. Model in Max export as 3ds and export from GMAX
Preview in Max doesn't take in account "nitelites_" It does work differently. It has normal WYSIWYG work-flow. So if you don't want them on in day - you simply turn them off.
max的Preview預渲才不搭理nitelite這前綴呢,它和燈光沒區別。它是一般的WYSIWYG work-flow。所以你要的是這種夜燈,你只能手動關掉。
But_ you don't tell us the full story... No matter what you prefixes are or aren't in day view with LetTherBeLight rig you'll NEVER see any nitelites. So in effect you can see all and any lites on they will NEVER be noticeable in day view.
Alternatively you can download very old version of BAt4Max (version2) and use it...
Don't get me wrong, but I use MAX because it cuts down the rendering time by A LOT than if I use gmax. Anyway, I'm not really making a building, but rather an airport runway, so I it takes a LONG time to render if I use gmax (like 6+ hours). With MAX, I could cut that time to only 1 hour at most, plus there is a bit of anti-aliasing.
runway?... hm... does it really need to be a model (prop, I assume) rather than a texture?
跑道?它真的需被作成模型嗎 ,怎不作成貼圖?(texture)
Anyway what ever you make the traditional (nitelite_ ) way of making night views has inevitable, inherent problem that is well illustrated by these examples:
This is a result of alpha masks that are the basis for default (non truNite) game night view.
May be you could start your Bat thread and show what you're doing I'm sure people could offer you advise on how to proceed
[ 本帖最后由 天唐永thianz 于 2011-11-9 12:07 编辑 ] |
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